Interview with DirtyLarry Hello, I'm Brian Williams and I will be sitting down and interviewing one of the top 10 PVP champs in KAW. His name is DirtyLarry. BW: Hello Larry and thank you for agreeing to an interview. DL: No problem I'm honored. BW: Congratulations on your top ten finish in the PVP promo and becoming a PVP champ. With half of Apoc targeting your clan and you having a big mouth you must have gotten a lot of incoming. How did you manage to get top 10? DL: Well there are a lot good players in Apoc but they threw their b-squad at me. I counted six different clans in my newz but it was mostly scout spam and leader board players self pinning on my troops. I would run crystals down their rosters for favors a lot of them paid well because they were stackin favors too. The hansels in Coffee Awakening were very kind to me whenever I needed a place to pin. Coffee Awakening hansels be like But seriously they were all over my newz and very active. BW: How did Clam A declaring war on Fury affect your effort to get to the top 10? DL: Who? BW: Clam A declared war on you in forums because you farmed their member for shards a couple of 3 monthes ago. DL: Idk bro... I can't be expected to remember every butt hurt noob that we farmed a couple of 3 monthes ago. BW: I'm sorry but you had to know this question would come up with all the controversy over osf. Did you use osf during this promo? DL: Yes but I didn't inhale. BW: How often did you use them? DL: I feel silly that I have to actually explain this to people. Osf's are good when you have time to dump your troops during a strip, because during a strip you only use your spies. It's useful so that you don't become crystal locked on the eb if you want to run more than 6 bars... But seriously anyone who thinks hitting alts or osf was the way to win this event is sorely mistaken. I stopped using the osf on strips because after a couple bars it almost completely stops paying. You have to constantly search for good paying targets and constantly switch it up. Plus you can't spy an osf, so the argument is invalid. Seems like frustrated people just grasping for straws. BW: I noticed you have new set of hater blockers. Care to show them off? DL: Yea these are my new hater blockers This is how they work BW: You needed those for all the haters. Just over the past monthe you have been stripped a couple of 3 times, forum banned and silenced a few times. DL: I like KAW'ing in the fast lane. BW: Thank you for your time Larry.. Any last comments before we rap this up? DL: First of all I would like to thank sweet baby Jesus. I would like to thank Fury the craziest bunch I have ever seen. I would like to thank my new friends at ZAFT. I have met some cool new people there. I would like to thank Apoc for throwing a bunch of chumps at me. I would like to thank my RL job for giving me enough money and free time to buy crystals and participate in PVP. I would like to thank ATA support for being awesome. Shout out to Alice. Shout out to xIEII_Easykeysy_IIRIx congrats on the new addition. Shout out to all my haters Shout out to all the crazies at Fury. Kiss my azz __CHUBBY__CHASER__
Another Statless alt geez go figure Maybe rename this thread something like Cowards Corner to validate it.
I'm not in OSW... can you explain why Larry showed up on my newsfeed multiple times a day? He sure was busy hitting others than osw targets lol
:? i...wait. who? o.o i had a "this thread is terrible, william" response all written out. i guess it would have still worked. hmm.