1v1 estoc battles revised.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -_-OPTIMAL-_-CHAOS-_-, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. 1v1 estoc battles
    Sorry I don't have the ability to move / merge original thread here

    This forum is to propose an alternative to ee wars as a way to gain a mith reward.
    It has a few differences to the bounty idea that has previously been suggested

    This also presents immediate opportunity to those who get no matches to sign up to fight straight away while they are ready for a fight and not have to miss out on the fun altogether

    First, all participants must sign up.

    All actions work within the established estoc trial wars criteria, however these are 1v1 wars against active players.
    Due to the sign up it is substantially more likely to be set against an opponent that is of similar size and well within your hit range as matchups will be 1v1 rather than clan v clan making it substantially easier one would assume for the devs to find an appropriate match up for an hour.. Far more so than an ee war where mismatches seem to be abundant and constant cause for concern.

    The battles would be run at several intervals a day providing all time zones the opportunity to battle and earn at a time that suits them. But that each player is limited to two sign up spells per 24 hour period. This giving them the equivalent opportunity to earn the same amount of mith as if they had competed in a war trial.

    These battles would last for a total of 1 hour no forfeit option.
    I would propose two types of battle mode. One using the ko system exactly as it is in estoc trials.
    Using pref just one xtal

    The second being a rapid skirmish mode providing increased opportunity to earn gold and adding differing tactics.

    On ko of opponent they regen to full troops
    On sko you regen half of your troops. This encourages non stop action without periods of inactivity. It provides opportunity for new tactics. Do you skim or risk the ko and then sko and hope you can out fight your opponent from half full with 2 sko regens?

    New challenges and also a means to truly free to play as no xtals would be required to participate opening this system and thus mith rewards to all players.
    Mith would be rewarded at the same rate as for the wars based on actions and expenditure.

    If these were successful I would propose an extra 2 hour option though feel 1 hour is more suitable and accessible for all players.

    They would be won using the current plunder system players would obviously have to know how to take down rival builds. This would also serve as a tactical tool for clans helping train and practice in how to fight pvp for new players and a laugh for those more experienced

    I do not suggest a team mode straight away as I believe this could cause mismatches yet again And resolve nothing.
    It could be run at differing times to wars and with multiple choices for start times this should hopefully spread players battles out reducing overall lag.

    Though a tag team battle could be an option later, members must be from the same clan and be within 500k combined stats of each other. Players in the same clan can tag another member as their partner. New tag button visible on both concerned. Select partner and accept or reject tag match up for the tag team match up.

    I do not see an option for more than a tag team option due to the headaches this would cause with matching up those involved. And this would open exploits for those signing up.

    I propose that these 1v1 wars would earn ee levels and mith providing individual players the opportunity to earn mith outside of wars.
    To differ from the established version of ee I also propose that this batlle estoc edge would affect earnings from pvp actions though limits would have to be setup to prevent farming an alt either keep it on random battle list or that it could only apply to first five hits per player before you have to change targets.

    Either way it's an alternative to having to hit ebs
    Edge would Not affect the rates of pay either in battles or wars. Just battle list though to prevent exploits that could easily be used.

    Estocs 1v1 battles would pay out partial credits for Estocs edge. Requiring 10 wins per level. Accruing. Losses do not take away these partial credits but if you have the edge until you lose 10 straight battles or time expires. Same five levels of edge as always.
    They are harder to acquire as they are easier to sign up to and obtain in one v one fights.
    But again this would be available to everyone at a time that suits them.

    Battle list / pvp ideas
    I would also suggest that for every x amount of pvp actions outside of estoc trials and the proposed above battles and bounty system also proposed that we gain certain rewards at certain levels. Ie ( excluding scouts last thing we need is kindoms at scout bombs )
    100 attacks assa or steals pvp 10 mith repeating at every 100 action performed.
    1000 actions 1 war crystal that can be used only in estoc trial
    2000 10bil gold bonus. And at each 2000 there after
    50,000 new equipment and at each 50,000 there after. Equivalent to purple equip or very close
    100,000 5 crystals and at each additional 100,000 actions there after. These would be rare as they take so many actions to obtain through pvp but all rewards added up would help entice the use of battle list more often.

    I gladly accept Input and ideas on This thread that can enhance these ideas or suggest alternative means to promote pvp wars as the devs asked me to provide this proposal and opportunity for us to discuss this and other ideas.
    Bounty has its own forum I like most of that idea and support it in spirit and think it would provide a good option to run alongside this new estoc battle mode

    Trolls stay off thread if its not about the thread or moving forum forward do not enter this thread. If you want extra options for mith then please support so we have that option.

    As prior stated this is a different concept to bounty and has significant changes inline with what the developers did not like about bounty moving in a direction they didn't like.
    Though I would like to see both options available as they all have merit and could be fun.

  2. Complete support for this idea. Thanks for moving this here DK. I see no real downsides to this suggestion and think it would enhance the game greatly if implemented. Really hope this happens.
  3. Brilliant! Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.
  4. Support!!
    This is the best ideal I've seen yet to make this game about war. One thing that would make this ideal easier for everyone is having the option to sign up 24/7. Once u sign up for war the system finds you a opponent. This game runs 24/7 anyways, and I feel that there would be enough people to find a match relatively quick. This game is named kingdoms at war so why isn't there wars other then system war non stop.
  5. love the idea...devs make it happend 
  6. This would be so badass if they did it!!
  7. It's a great idea and I give it 
  8. After thought. Sorry cannot add to original post from I device.

    With regards to the 24/7 idea would be great but the current system would need it to be done at set tes to allow for troop regens to max.

    Of course if devs could do a lock down at 30 minutes and increase all to full troops both for this and ee wars that may greatly increase popularity and participation.

    For losing no vp obviously.
    Rather system returns cast mith and leaves it at that. Make participation easier and kills exploits for profit.
    Something I would also like to see in normal ee wars.
  9. I agree with this idea and support it fully. The 24/7 idea is great but EMP is correct, it would need to be tested first. I think the devs should try it for a month or 2, scheduling wars every 3 or 4 hours, then look at the feedback and decide where to go from there.
  10. Gd point dark knight if they gave u full troops after 30 min that would help. Then they would be able to run more wars all the time, maybe ever 2 hrs in the beginning. I feel that more would war if they can do it in there time instead of whats gd 4 kaw.
  11. Why do all these ideas think they should receive more rewards than are currently given? Hit someone on battle list more than 5 times and you'll have a p v p for as long as you or they want. If the idea to get free mith xtals and gold, I support.
  12. Support
    This is the best ideal in a long time. I would like to see it be a 24/7 system also so that I can war when I want on my schedule. If the system was like that I could war everyday on my time. Which would also make kaw more money lol
  13. I love the idea of a good 1 vs 1 and the skirmish war would be amazing, pure skill of the greatest warriors in KaW testing out their skills and builds or warriors of similar size and strength.
    Probably the war idea I've heard in a long time an the option to war when it's good for me and my time zone makes it even more appealing.

    Great work DK 