new war system

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IITDDll-ShaDow_RoNiN-lITDDlI, Jul 28, 2012.

  1. 1.) no time limit
    2.) no end reward
    3.) record of plunder taken
    4.) keeps track of runners
    Labelled as "left before end"
    5.) shows total ally count for each player at beginning and end
    6.) ends when the loser forfeits
    7.) this is not a formal system, more of a way to document osw's
    8.) show length of war in total
    9.) any number of clans can drop in
    10.) and eb's are not allowed during the duration of the war

    feedback and critique please
  2. No reward thats stupid but its ok
  3. an osw system would take all the fun out of osws for me. not to mention that we would have to find a new name for them.
  4. Why give a reward to people for doing an osw? They happen all the time, but this clears up who won.

    Or the devs could do special drops for the winning alliances i guess. But then it is a system that can be exploited
  5. Osws arent about plunder, so why keep record?

    And alot of osws, both sides call a cf, meaning a draw. When that happens I guarentee neither sides gonna want to hit the forfeit button to take the official loss.
  6. @elyter

    that would be good so Kingdoms at War could be at war
  7. ^ that statement confused me.

    And seeing that only clans that would use this would be the clans that OSW now, wouldnt really save anything.
  8. Its brilliant,basically a last man standing war,love it but make it so u get somethin at the end
  9. Maybe add a draw button or cf button that both sides admins have to agree to.

    That way if both sides agree to draw it can be looked that way, especially since right now you dont have a reward.
  10. Plunder won means absolutely nothing in an osw. It's all about how much was lost and breaking of wills.

    Someone could hit a spy several times a make a few hundred mil but the spy could have burned billions in pots. In the system mentioned the guy who made a few hundred million but lost billions in pots would look like the victor.

    That's only one example of why osw can't really be tracked. I could come up with many more scenarios but there isn't much of a point. We have system wars and osw's, no reason to try to combine them
  11. Support if you disable outside hits.
  12. Greatness didn't read the OP :lol:
  13. What remark did I make that makes it seem like I didn't read op?
  14. so basically an OSW?

    Lock plz
  15. I'm sorry. :( I'm grumpy today
  16. I only pointed out that the tracking of earned plunder was meaningless. Also it wasn't much of a rant, only an example of a flaw in the mentioned system