
Discussion in 'Wars' started by LOTR__King-Kash-1st__LOTR, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. LOTR

    LOTR have been around for around for almost 3 years.
    Over these years many have come through and have ventured out to other places. Some have name changed and others have quit the game entirely.
    I myself never thought I'd be addicted to a online game since halo1 came out. Always thought of people who did as dweebs and Wierdos. (must mean I'm one of them now)
    I have been playing for around 2.5 years and almost quit just over a year and a half ago after our beat down by ig.
    Then I realised despite the heavy losses we took. Their were some really nice people in our clan and despite not ever meeting them or even knowing their real names I felt as if these guys are actually my friends. Cos they all stood by shoulder to shoulder like real friends do, and it was this made me stay on. Keeping in touch with my kaw friends has almost became a daily routine and after a long day at work I look forward to logging on and reading what my friends have posted to me on PM.
    MY point in all of this is that I am about to loose a good friend who has after months made the right decision and has chosen to spend his time with his family. I've always understood how difficult it has been to be a active kaw player and a father. The drain it has on a person especially when during osw as well as keeping family happy. I believe my good friend has made a good decision even though I will probably not hear from him again.
    He has been with us during some really tough times. Their was a time we could not complete ambush. Today we have 3 clans. 1 doing btb origins 1 doing btb hauntings and our latest one doing btb TGL. We have come a long way with his support.
    We have even merged with other clans and have a massive alliance that is only possible due to his efforts.
    During osw that we kept finding ourselves in he was a person you could rely on always. He'd get your back no matter how big the opponent where others would run at the mere thought.
    This guy never cared he got stripped but carried on.

    I am saddened but happy for him and wish him the utmost happiness in his life as I know that quitting saddens him greatly.

    He will truly be missed not just by me but all of the people that know him especially his clan.

    We all call him tez.


    Bro. Your an awesome guy.

    Friday will be his last day on kaw

    Please keep this post just for friends and I would respectfully ask we do not spam this post.


  2. bye tez
  3. Hi Kill and Kash,yes another great player leaving .
  4. We will really miss you EL! 
  5. oh el, you leaving us is a great loss to the lotr family as kash say's you always been there for us as an awesome clan member but most importantly a good friend, you will be missed by me personally and i think by all our members, your a true gent and a good lad, but it is right that family should always come first, and kaw does take up so much time, and being a dad myself i know how much time and attention kids need. i wish you all the best in the future and wish your family well, i just hope that maybe one day you do decide to come back even if its to say hi, take care el and have fun mate :) kk83
  6. Sounds like awesome clan and great player goodbye.
  7. Tez a true friend , and wish he would hold on to his account . There's always the possibility to return and see your friends, even if your not playing . Tez is the first person to buy and volley me so it saddens me he has made this decision , as we have always been close buddy's since. So hoping tez keeps his account and pops in and says hi to his friends .All the best buddy look after yourself and enjoy RL , but don't forget your buddy's on here 
  8. goodluck Taz, u will be mised
  9. Sad to hear another friend leave Bro, I feel for u, to many leave kaw atm and its just sad...

  10. goodby Taz. wish u all the best in ur rl mate. : :D
  11. Well put Kash! And I think alot of us (including myself) fall under the weirdo category :p! El Terrible thanks for helping me grow and protecting us younglings :-D you will be missed but never forgotten!
  12. Gna be missed!!!!!!! 
  13. Bye tez. Good fighting with you.
  14. Bye Taz n good luck. LOTR
  15. Best of wishes, your sword will be missed! Banners held high
    / Aeg
  16. Tezz... You will be missed... Family man .. I leave this for you... For 75% of men???occurs within 3 minutes of ..??? .. Just kidding. ... For you... 3.5... Good luck T!!!