Easy ways to make more gold

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IITDDll-ShaDow_RoNiN-lITDDlI, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. 1.) Forget everything you know about spy mechanics
    2.) Turn ~80-90% of your buildings into guilds
    3.) Let those spies regenerate to 100%
    4.) Assassinate an epic battle 3x per five minute regen.
    5.) Repeat step 4 until the EB is almost over
    6.) Unload 12 assassinations on the EB and then you will have much higher plunder than average
    7.) Buy allies with this money
    8.) Attack with your troops when the next EB starts and continue to skim assassinations
    9.) Repeat step 8 until the EB is almost complete
    10.) Unload 8 attacks and 12 assassinations.
    11.) Repeat steps 7-10 until at Max Ally Plunder (MP/MAP/MXP)
    12.) Once you reach MP, (see 12a.)) repeat steps 7-10 until you are ready to upgrade
    12a.) To test for MP, hit the EB with one attack, then buy a fairly cheap ally, then hit the EB again. Note plunder (1
  2. Damn ampersand...

    I'll retype the rest in a minute
  3. (1 and 2) if 1=2, then you are at MP, if you aren't, then buy allies until you are.

    [Note: I recommend being a guild hansel until you have the level 2 castle, and the first four highlands, and running B2B Ambush. From there, it is much easier to decide on your build to suit your play style

    hope this helps, if you have any questions, post my wall or PM me
  4. I unload at 75%, but it seem to be ok
  5. Good idea if you have time to sit and unload every 5 mins......
    However most of us have jobs and lives.

  6. Support Shadow This is an excellent way for people to grow.
  7. Nice Idea,

    Easier way;

    Buy 500 seal of deflection.

    Do b2b haunts, £££
  8. Waste of 30 secs
  9. . Good thinking though for ppl to try. GH is an awesome way to grow. Have alts doing this
  10. May I sum up the longish thread with:

    Go GH. Skim EBs.
  11. What I liked the most about this post? The pictures xD
  12. WoW! I never would have guessed
  13. I posted this exact same thing a few days ago on someone elses thread[/colof]
  14. How much do you make an unload, OP?
  15. 144,609,895 mil per skim without estocs edge on haunts