Ad Mortem returns!

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Swabia2, Jan 10, 2017.

  1. Greetings KaW!

    Back by popular demand the once infamous extortion clan Ad Mortem has returned for your entertainment once again.

    What do we have planned this time? Well I'm glad you didn't ask.

    I will be singling out individuals for extortion. I'll be selecting from top EB earners in random clans. I will offer these individuals the option to either buy an ally from me, or conversely they can fight back.

    Keep in mind that those who fight back will lose more than 10x what I am extorting from them. I will keep their profile occupied or keep their clan on me long enough that they will see that they do not make gains for a much longer time than it would take to just pay me to go away and leave them alone.

    I will not post the names of my victims this time. It will not allow them to quietly pay off and make me leave. I will not hit a previously extorted individual.

    The clan is open. Anyone can come and go as they please. If you get extorted and you want to come join us for a round feel free. We will volley trash inside the clan to offset the expense of farming people and to allow us growth. Anyone who makes cash in clan will volley in clan. It's the working war alternative to EB and honestly it's far more fun.

    There will most likely be several of us doing this from this clan. If someone picks on you don't whine on my wall it will only make me laugh and point.

    Thanks you for your generous donations to my rebuilding fund.

    Oh, the clan is still available for hire if you'd like us in a war or to target a single enemy.

    We will honor all our old alliances, and I will honor the alliances of the clans which I was a member of in the past. You know who you are.

    No BB codes. I forgot how after all these years.
  2. I thought extortion was against TOU..but maybe a VK knows better *moonface*
  3. Welcome back! I look forward to laughing at your wall.
  4. omg Swabia is so tough he'll make u lose 10x watch out guys his name is even blue from being such a good pretender.

    edit: Swabia p:12 14/17/4 assn
    don't extort me pls
  5. He's already failed so bad  he tried to extort me
  6. You mithed up to hide your allies? I can assure you I'm not stripping people. That's exactly what I don't want. I want to get stripped and I want to PVP.

    I'll see you don't hit your eb for a few days there smart guy.

    Hansel is free money for me. I can't believe how easy this is compared to 2009.
  7. Swab please tell me u have another bigger account. Because nowadays my size is classed as small and I'm 10x bigger than u
  8. Quetzalcoatl has descended.
  9. Nope. I'm selling trash and extorting at 4-10t a hit. That will pay my upgrades just fine.
  10. So you're just picking on small beginners then? Or do u have bigger players joining u

  11. You can extort for anything that can be free in-game. That includes seals and horns, because they do drop from EBs.
  12. No moron, I just don't have any allies. Heroic statement though, I suppose that's all that qualified you for VK in the first place.

    Also given I haven't hit an eb in at least 14 months, I can't say I'm too worried (but god damn I'm scared).
  13. Been doing this for the last week.
    Got two accounts to buy 10T each of volley allies from me, in return for no Inc for a while.

    BTW do we have to be in your clan, or can this be a spread out kind of thing?
  14. Is the whole clan opening or you are just messing with people?
  15. Could I buy your allies for the new lvl IV castle code instead??
  16. Clan is open. Come and go as you please

  17. You're a Hansel without allies running a spell to hide your allies and I'm the moron?

    Enjoy this farming bro. I know I will.
  18. Umm he's not hiding allies, he's had no allies since I stripped him like a year ago