ad mortem declares war on death army

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Swabia2, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. So, here's a funny story.

    I was extorting clans at around 50b a pop for us to 'leave you alone' on our 'don't ever touch again' list. Meaning I give a clan owner 24hrs then we go bonkers on the clan if they don't buy the crap allies I volley up internally in the clan to generate cash.

    I got no response so we began systematic farming and stripping after 24 hours of silence from the clan owner.

    Now let's be fair about what's fun in war:

    1) Noob tears
    2) glory
    3) profit
    4) noob tears

    So anyhow I get a message on a 3rd part app yesterday like this:


    I was laughing my beanbag off. So this guy has my email addresses, (no big deal, anyone can do that on the 3rd party app and can find my name via an Internet search- I did Chad Dinubilo last year in Clovis California the same way and threatened to call his school because he was online during school hours and we couldn't strip him- but I digress)

    ad mortem only wanted to extort 50b from these noobs before the war started. Yesterday when we began it went to 100b if negotiation opened. Threat on 3rd party app makes our current cease price hit 150b, and within about 2 days this clan will not have the capital to pay that off.

    ad mortem invites any of it's allies to join in farming for noob tears with us as CLEARLY we have struck a nerve with one of the players who is freaked out about getting farmed. The ridiculous premise above where this kid says he is going to delete my email addresses and Facebook account is neigh impossible, and quite succinctly one of the funniest KaW threats I've ever heard.

    Enjoy your reaming, death army, and prepare yourselves for your first real war.

    ad mortemis closed to new application to keep out spies. If you're joining the war effort please do so from your own clan, unless you're one of our friends from the past.

    Don't give me tips on legality of the pic from 3rd party app, idc.
  2. Lol go ad mortem!
  3. Allies are not necessary in this small war, please continue what you're doing if you've already found yourself a valid source of noob tears. If you'd like to join in for funzies though by all means have some.
  4. gotta say i liked it till u invited allies
  5. Yay Ad Mortem
  6. That's creepy
  7. Man that's funny :lol:
  9. Are you the only person who profits from the 50b-150b ally hire lol?
  10. Winning lol 
  11. Is it personal info for Chad dinibilo whatever a bit too far?
  12. That guys disturbing....

    But same as pinky..I enjoyed everything
    Except inviting allies.But I'm not in charge
    Of your clan.Good job ad Mortem :)
  13. That's a pretty low act on Death Army's part. Demanding gold and going to war with other clans is part of the game. If Death Army stood up for themselves, went to war and copped a hiding, that is respect earned in my eyes. But threatening someone in real life (as laughable as this threat may be) over a game is childish and the respect they get from me is the chewing gum under my shoe.
  14. Go ad mortem! Too bad no farming in this clan 
  15. Yeah... Because there's totally substance to a threat that would be useless even if it was possible.
  16. Derp, Chad and I had some epic issues. He broke into the private iG clan room with 30 3rd party app alts, caused chaos, and denied his actions and begged to join the clan.

    My need to expose these alts all came from Clovis California and so did Chad is the necessity behind the personal attacks I made on him back then. The things I never posted about him were by far more hilarious than the facts which I did post.

    Also, his rap video is the funniest thing I've ever seen, and I didn't post that although a friend did and woohoo what a riot that was.

    Some guys beg for it. I can bring it.

    As far as how extortion works to answer the other question:

    We volley internally in the clan among smaller members. Larger admins buy out the crap allies and sell them to clans too chicken to stand up to us. We then repeat the process. Far and away volleying is the fastest way to generate cash in the game and we are exploiting it and handing off the suffering inactive allies to eb noobs. My model is not proven yet, but in a few months I may have incredibly huge players in my clan volleying amongst themselves and exploiting a larger KaW population.