a new type of system was for off system wars(osw)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Dabbles, Oct 10, 2013.


    Hello forum community. :)

    EE is a really fun part of kaw. I enjoy it but see it as more of a tournament than a war. With a few more fixes im sure the devs will have a very proper and permanent addition to kaw. I love the epic battles system. The pvp system is great.
    I enjoy the occasional osw and what i really want to see is osw goals added to system wars as victory rules. Perhaps even as far as a system that does not ask for acceptance before landing you in a serious conflict.

    First off
    Osw is sacred. Nothing could take its place that isn't better than the current style of play. It has an epic feel to it as is and people who have played kaw as long as i have or longer should have a bit of a love affair with it. As i said, it's sacred.

    I've been tossing the idea around in my head and with a few friends about this new style of system war(sw) and if it could help move kaw forward or could work at all.

    It is a very basic idea honetly.
    Lets say you have two clans that have had an argument and thusly developed A serious disliking toward each other. They have exchanged over 2000 hits in only 1 day and it is obvious an end must be met. An osw has started. It will go on until it ends. The records will be practically non existent. The casualties and losses unknown but for a lucky few.
    Idk about you but i think osw deserves more glory than it brings. It is farming set to destroy. Now how can we make osw champions shine brighter? (Please give your input)

    Regular System war gone?
    The current sw is fine. It is usually a no grudge both sides having fun event and maybe a few mercs show up. It should remain as an option for war. Perhaps it should be changed a little to cater towards training for osw or ee. Very few clans use sw. The devs could also add some sort of miner reward for a clan that losses a current sw. It's a game and should be fun at the end of the day.

    What do i think is wrong with sw that merits a new type of war?

    •The options for these wars have increased over time but are still so limited.

    The devs need to tweak it somehow. Possibly create a war that only ends when every member is stripped below max plunder or have lost a specific amount of their allies.
    Maybe when pots are burned they are auto kicked from the clan and when only the owner remains the osw is over. Maybe members could surrender after a certain amount of time has passed.
    Combinations of ideas can be made and i know the forum community has tons of opinions and ideas about everything that exist. EVERYTHING.

    •both sides have to agree to war.
    This has always been a problem for me in kaw.

    This needs to be addressed in order to make the war feel like an osw feels. I think the wars could be triggered by hits and return hits. Yes people would be forced to "osw" but people are forced into osw now. People are even "forced" into quitting kaw because of farming so i dont really see it as an issue. You either play or you quit. You win or you lose.

    If the clan could still run ebs during these new wars id be cool with it. Osw's have ebs going now for the most part.


    The Arena

    So the two clans have exchanged 2000 hits in one day. That would trigger the osw "arena" if you will.
    They are now locked in a war together. (I think the arena should drop at devs discretion to prevent various abuses. "Bullying" and what not.)
    The arena would have a set timer. That timer should be based on how realistic it is to complete said goal.
    I think a week to strip an average sized new clan is a good starting point but stripping a clan like warlor or zaft would take longer. Having nice banks is key obviously. If a clan surrenders before hand the arena wouldn't drop.

    Records of the feats in osw are lost every single day. I dont remember many of the clans ive fought against. If arena was a tab in the clan history you could view the osw statistics player by player. Clan by clan.

    This is a basic idea. An outline only. Please be brutal and scrutinize it. Add all your ideas. Support. Non support. Likes. Dislikes.

    Perhaps prizes of mith and xstals or special equipment could be won in these arena wars. Seal drops. I was thinking losing clans owner would get 3 seals to help the clan recover from losses. It's a war game is a tired point. I think the key word is game and not war. It is a game.
    Have fun :)


    Thanks for reading.
  2. Nice read... I really like the strip idea
  3. Thanks. I like that idea. I think adding strip options into sw would be an easy way to get that osw feel.
  4. Support. Only problem is players kicked if they run out of pots/get stripped. Maybe if they run out of pots a message is sent to all of his/her recent attackers. Idk.
  5. Cool idea! We've been kicking around something similar. One problem is, what happens when clans agree to hit each other and take turns winning and losing.

    What if clans could simply put up a ransom of mith and gold and battle it out. Winner takes all. Put your money where your mouth is kind of scenario...?
  6. @ daemon
    What if they just became dtw once.. Defeated? It should probably say defender defeated.
    No kicks and notification added.

    I like that idea kaw_admin.
    I think adding different kinds of stakes would make sw very fun and give some power back to the player. Wagering and taking turns is gonna happen.

    It does sound like a contest and less like an osw when put that way though. What if the wagers where non profitable/only based on inflicted losses? The less losses inflicted or the more one sided the war is the less profit a clan would make.

    The whole taking turns winning is a problem. I dont want pwars to happen again.. In any form. That was a great time in kaw though. I was an OSF for a while. The players power to play how they wanted felt higher than it does now.

    I guess the question is the same as usual. Is it possible to monitor new osw/sw in a way that allows ata to prevent abuse like that but still have the open air conflict feel of the osw.
    (To be clear- a few people exchanging blows is not enough to have the arena triggered. It takes actual clan conflict)

    While Speaking to a few older players i did find some who would not stand to have osw changed at all. It would have to be a perfect replication of the osw conflict and still many might not like it.

    My idea i had in my dream(yes i dream about kaw often) involved "the arena" being dropped but only as a monitoring system. Nothing would change mechanically. People could come and go like now and Osw statistics would be monitored and visible for everyone. Maybe there is no prize. Only the victory. I see a few seal drops for winners and losers as a good idea though. Recovery from osw is key.

    So the idea is whenever the devs can tell an osw is happening they can activate the arena.
    They could tell by monitoring actions shared between clans. Alliances can come in and help because there are no locked doors. Espionage would still be possible. It needs to feel like it isn't a system war.

    In pimd there are check boxes on the parties. I like that. a check would appear next to clan strips when 500b gold had been stripped from the enemy clan. Maybe loses inflicted from stripping and pot burning meets a certain level the osw os over.

    Ive seen many osw that are obviously over but one side wont surrender. Idk if it is pride or idiocy. Just because you can buy more allies and re-pot and your troops still regen doesnt mean you arent losing.
  7. Hi all I think it would be nice to have challenges. that we can to challenge any opponents to a duel ( 1vs1 ). that none of us can hit EB or someone else only one other (as war only 1vs1).
    and to be recorded in the battle stats as battle win #???? or lost #???? normally with some prizes for win mith.

    what do you guys think ???
  8. 1vs1 challenges would be really cool.
    If ata isnt thinking about or working on a system to give 1vs1 more depth id be surprised.
    I totally support that.

    What im talking about is essentially the same thing just on a larger scale. Perhaps approaching the 1vs1 system and also a 1vs2 handicapped is the right place for ata to start.
    Maybe an osw/sw function could spin off of the 1vs1 system when an end is not met. I dont have any other ideas for that at the moment.
  9. I'm glad you liked the idea. all in order to make the game more interesting  give players more options to play : Ebs, wars, osw, challenges
  10. @Kaw_admin.

    As a 'first' sort of system, I would like to see as follows:

    A really basic, simple system.
    Since it is OSW, it should, for the main part, remain off system.

    Clan A would declare war on Clan B, just like a system war, it would need to be accepted.

    The war screen or 'board' would not have a timer, it would be unlimited, there would only be a forfeit button.

    The statics would show, for each side.
    Gold Made
    Gold Lost
    Actions (all)
    Potions Burned

    There would be no reward for a winning side, as people who OSW do it for the prestige of simply 'winning', if they wanted rewards, they would do EE.


    That isn't to say you shouldn't implement this system, I just think a really basic but effective system would be great for a proper (or not really, because it had a system :lol: ) Off System War, where it was all about loss and gain.
  11. That post is also to Fractals, forgot to put that.
  12. Anarchy,

    I agree for the most part. Rewards are just a great incentive to play. I would like people that don't see osw as you do to want an osw to happen.
    An encouragement to have conflicts and visit battle list actions.
    I have no problem being rewarded something extra for my efforts. The newer players might not see how osw strengthens bonds and creates/destroys alliances. The omets for example. When this account was an omet and i was unaware of osw's i remember thinking "wow.. This is the real way to play kaw." It was a rush. Every user should get that kind of exposure to osw.
    I ended up not having much fun as an omet. Constant conflict is not my style and it grew old. After several weeks of osw it gets boring to me. Time limits work better for me i guess.

    Maybe rewards from this very basic system could be achieved by reaching the goals in a set amount of time. It wouldn't end the osw but would add an incentive to war and bonuses. Maybe that clan plunder bonus that hasn't been used by devs yet.

    Of course the thought crossed my mind that
    Osw isnt broken. Osw should probably stay the same outside of having a history to look at and show off to your friends and enemies.

    I like the sound of enhancing the sw to give it an osw feel.
  13. Yeah I wasn't really saying one idea should be done and one wasn't though, I still do like your idea.

    I just think that the devs playing with the current system wars like I said, would see them used more and for a better purpose than they currently are...
  14. Re: a new type of system war for off system wars(osw)

    I keep seeing great things come from ata. I will get annoyed with them and then they redeem themselves. Over and over again. Lol

    They can make sw way more fun.
  15. Re: a new type of system war for off system wars(osw)

    Just saw that the title says was instead of war.
    A new type of system war for off system wars