Exodus Recruitment

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lll__SUPREME__lll, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. We are Exodus
    This is no fancy thread with cool pictures and things to make their clans look good. I'm bringing this to you to get the word out about a upcoming clan I have been planning to form.

    Future goals for these clans
    Aimed at having 4 clans maybe more if grow well here's how they will play out

    Main clan --

    ( min req Hlbc of tier 4s for all tier 7 ebs only )

    Exodus Onslaught
    (Min req 4mil cs / 2 mil spy )

    Exodus Retribution
    (Min req 6 mil cs/4 mil spy )

    Exodus Elite
    Min req 2 mil cs/ 1 mil spy

    These 4 clans will all serve a purpose
    Main clan strictly ebs for the big kaw players out there going for the items of TGL. Onslaught will be a clan that does tier 6 and 7 ebs and will occasionally do osw wars and something a little different. Retribution will solely be a merc clan where people gather and go out to merc other clans ebs. I have seen this work in the past and hope to improve on its functionality. Lastly we all know that ESTOC wars are a hit to many. So elite will be a 24/7 ESTOC wars clan on the weekend. Ebs during the week and wars on weekend. Each clan ill have a little different structure and purpose.

    Here's the question ur asking???
    I probably sound ambitious trying to start something rand new but no I have gathered many friends counting to around 40 who will help launch these 4 clans . They are handpickd and loyal to me and I hope will become a huge success.

    The launch will be Saturday around noon when we all will gather. I am looking for supporters and new committed followers on my conquest to grow clans to form a great family playing kaw. I tried to take account all the features of kaw

    Contact superior for details
    Exodus rules
  2. Another EB clan? SO INNOVATIVE!!!
  3. lll__SUPERI0R__lll or me is the contact if you like to tak part in this
  4. Cinder how else do u describe that without sounding lame ??????
  5. You did sound lame Lolz

    "Hey check this out were fresh and new! We're gonna bring u something no other clan can! EBs!!!! RAAAAWWWRRR!!!"
  6. 40 players? Watch out guys. We got the new LB chain, massive clan family right here, right NAO, in live forums.

    *turns out recorder*
  7. *turns on recorder* I mean ._.