HLBC not needed...?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by I_I_I-BHEZ-TiLLiDiE-I_I_l, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. HLBCing costs over 3t. 3t!
    You could have the same 'stats' as that while only spending 350b, a few highlands and a little effort..

    What people don't realise is that equipment effects stats MASSIVELY. It is possible to reach up to 100m attack from the current equipment out, and fully enchanted. You get 2% of this added to your raw stats. Full equipment gets you 2m raw stats. This is "invisible" in a way, and NEVER changes depending on troop level.

    Now, I'd suggest getting 15 highlands, all guilds. Save up as a guild hansel for a big convert, but when you gather your 3t ready to swap to T5, DON'T.
    Why waste all that for raw stats, but remember, your attack changes depending on troops level. Why not invest that 3t into allies, you can find 2m/2m/xx/xx (reverse if spy) stats for roughly 96b. The average attack and defence for a HLBC is 6m/6m.

    At this point, convert your LL into COE. Giving you a total stats of 2.4m/2.4m 15 guilds.
    Now remember all that item BFA? And the allies you bought? I'm pretty certain this would bump your stats up to 5m. This would be invisible. It would take probably a few months less to get all equip and enchanted, if you bought some mith / inferno along with estocs / eb. My estocs trick gets me roughly 50 mith a go, others get 100 mith. Bearing in mind, this hidden 5m attack you have will hardly go down whatever troop level you have.

    The bigger targets you hit in estocs the more you gain. Imagine a 2.4m/2.4m/300k/300k attack build hitting HLBC, the plunder you would get would be huge. Being so small and so far down the roaster, I doubt you'd be targeted at the start of the war.

    This concept works exactly the same for spies, aslong as you find allies / equip that maximise spy bonus.
  2. Look at metallicana
  3. Check "DivineLu"s equipment. That adds to roughly 100m. The new paladin equipment will also be allot better than the average eb equip.
  4. Yes fluffles,

    Metalicana isn't HLBC, but trust me, they can smash through HLBC with ease.
  5. I am impressed. I love your guides Val :)
  6. I'll make it into a proper guide in the weekend, I was just brain storming 
  7. There are fewer smarter players in this game than Val, but.....

    That's all true until more ppl become t5 Bc. Then the ally prices will go back up.

    Also all that ally bfa is volatile. One good strip and it is gone.
    Just something to keep in mind.
  8. ;)


  9. What's saying you can't upgrade your stats to say 3m/3m? Or even 4m. I'd rather make cash ally trading, and have the same stats, just most invisible and it is static, than 6m/6m.
  10. But what if an HLBC has the same allies and equipment? Then they have 4-6m cs more than you and you will get annihilated.
  11. 4-6 mil? They should have much more than that. 6 mil is just one HLBC ally.
  12. Lol, trust me. No HLBC is going to target someone half his size. When they see your incoming and wins, they'll be surprised.
  13. In working on this build atm, just need to get the estocs equip.
    I'll test it out.
  14. For example, my biggest attack account has well over 700 million cs. If I stopped on land 15 I would be looking at maybe 450 million? That 250 million gap would have to made up of allies. That's about 18 t5bc allies.
  15. So any advantage I would get on an t5 bc would have to be over and above those 18 big allies. That's tough for me.
  16. Your forgetting the payout a HLBC would get off this sort of build.
    I for one if I got inc of someone half my size in lil don't return it in an estocs. I'd be wasting troops / spies to get tiny plunder.

    This builds bonus is static, fighting a HLBC from pin your almost guranteed to smash it.

    Philo- this build wouldn't fight LBers..
  17. Estocs you've got plenty of choice. Personally, I wouldn't try attack #1-5. Hitting a HLBC would get you allot of plunder, lots of plunder = lots of mith.
  18. So basically a t5hcbc build with the same allies would have roughly a 200 million or so advantage over a build that stops at land 15. Can you buy that much for 3 trillion?