-updated- Hello, In this guide I will teach you the tricks of the trade in stripping. Now. I really Cba doing colours ect ect... War ain't colourful lol. This is just informative, if you want fancy threads go ask Wulf. WHAT IS STRIPPING? This form of Stripping is similar to taking your clothes off, but in this case allies once all your target's gold in allies is out you are able to attack/ steal and take all their hard earned time away ! PREPARATION: Before stripping a target, find out their sleep patterns. Know what area they are in and their time zone. Simple ways to find this out is having an alt start a convocation, then use your magical techniques to see what vocabulary they use, just getting a general outline of what time zone you suspect they could be. such as: Mom/mum Colour/color try to cross off all possibilities. An easier way: look at their clan eb history and see what eb's they are active in and when they are not. If they are hitting you, find out when they suddenly stop for awhile, because they most likely will be sleeping. E.G: if someone is hitting you constantly for 8 hours, then stop for 6, then that's probably when they are sleeping. track wins / losses is probably the main way, although sometimes your target could be 'playing dead', a term were the do not hit or return, they act asleep so you fail strip. post their wins/ losses in a pm or on your wall, check to see if they go up or down. most likely if they are unaware of the strip and do not hit for an hour they are asleep. WHY? You may be asking why you need to know this, well you wouldn't want to waste your money hiring your targets allies to then find them pinning and banking it all. At least when they are asleep they cannot stop you.. MAKING SURE: Your just about to strip, you think you've sorted their sleeping times out, now it's one last check to make sure. Have an alt/ friend wall the target and see if they respond. You can even have your alt/friend go into their clan and see whether they are speaking in CC or use the battle log to see whether they are hitting the eb. After you are certain they are asleep it is time WACK WACK WACK: It is important that you Mith up if you need too. A MUST: ALWAYS USE UNHOLY AURA! Unholy aura gives you a 50% chance to make your opponent loose 100% more gold. If you want stripping to be much easier this is a must! It can speed up things by up to 50% and making sure you've taken all their gold before they wake up. (mith is rrely used nowadays with estocs equip released(. TIPS WHEN HITTING: - NEVER scout or assassinate when stripping. Your pinning your opponent when you could be taking their gold away. Pinning is no use when the player is offline. - ALWAYS remember when your opponent has gone DTW (defender too weak). If they go DTW at 6:19pm they will be open again in 20 minutes once their troops regen. In this case 6:39pm. Sit on your opponent with both spies and troops and remembering when they went DTW so your never missing an unload. - RECOMMENDED to have a timer or alarm on your phone every 30 minutes , just to be safe - RECOMMENDED to have a 'strip bank'. This is an account that has the sole purpose to smash hauntings all day and have loads of cash ready to hire allies if you don't have enough. Preferably build guilds and a Coe since guilds are cheap and give great plunder. __________________________________ There is the guide Trolls, feel free. But I might use my own guide on you
For stripping examples, You can look at Charles in a few days. But the question is when will I do it. ? Place your bets 'ere!