Need Help

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *I__CardinalS__I (01), Oct 24, 2011.

  1. What build should i do 1/2 and 1/2, hansel or attk
  2. ehh... 3/4attack 1/4 spy
  3. You should stop making forum treads and start asking me these Questions in pm ;)
  4. It depends on you, but hansels are great for war.
  5. Want money or power?
  6. Go hansel. They are fun and you make great $$$
  7. Get a good clan and ask them
  8. 1/2 and 1/2
  9. There is no such thing as a 1/2 hansel build. Hansel is all spy with 1 attack building. Any thing else is not a hansel.
  10. No one said anything about half hansels :lol:
  11. He was saying half and half. Ex: 200 attack, 200 def, 200 spy attack, 200 spy def.
  12. I meant Should i go hafe attk and hafe spy OR Hansel OR ATTTK
  13. Go hansel. It's easier to make money o.o