Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Stone_Dragon, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. I'm very angry with the mods my main Steel_Dragon has been muted after NO Spam !!!!!  I did nothing then ISS_Fluffy-lil-kitten just said hope you have a good silence
  2. :roll: dude stop that
  3. I doubt you were silenced for no reason.
  4. Email the devs at support@athinkingape.com and ask why you got silenced. If it was a wrongful silence, you can ask them to remove it.

    Or you can suck it up and deal for 24 hours.
  5. Guys please
  6. I can only talk in forums I promise I did nothing
  7. Op as fiddler said in this thread, send an email: support@athinkingape.com and appeal for you're silence, if you strongly feel that's been a mistake, the devs will review you're account and will email you back with an answer of the silence, sorry to ear that you been silence as well, hopefully you read the ToU n and next time it won't happen.
  8. Aargh that be a mighty fine tale!
  9. Hahaha!!! That kitten...
  10. Ready top kitten
  11. Lol look at lala's wall in weapons of fate clan. Then come back and tell me you got silenced for no reason;)
  12. lol Eagle strikes again - reposting the same post answering op's question after its already been answered. I think there should be an eagle drinking game. Anytime eagle posts and says support@athinkingape.com after someone in the thread has already said it, take a shot. You'll be smashed in no time.
  13. And how oh how did I know you would nOob rage to forums over that one. Just waiting fora mod to come silence your alt for spamming my wall. I believe that's double the points :)

    Thanks for playing "The Silencing Game" enjoy your 24 hour reward. Cya
  14. And how oh how did I know you would nOob rage to forums over that one. Just waiting fora mod to come silence your alt for spamming my wall. I believe that's double the points :)

    Thanks for playing "The Silencing Game" enjoy your 24 hour reward. Cya
  15. That's really rude. -.-
  16. Weezus that's hilarious as usual. I thinking going to try it
  17. LMFAO Weezus sounds like an awesome game ;) should we start the games xD got the shots ready lol