Discussion in 'Wars' started by DeFi-GaiusAveragius, Sep 27, 2012.

  1. Here I am again forums with another gem for the trolls.

    So as the title clearly states, I have found a way to bring the fun back for other KaWers. Unfortunately I can't post ss of my 100's of pm's of people thanking me for attacking them or osw'ing their clan. The many pm of people telling me "thanks. I was getting bored with KaW. This is the most fun I've had." Or the usual "I was half active lately. U attacking me has brought my activity level to the highest level it has ever been."

    So Im sick and tired of people saying KaW has lost it's flare. Lost it's fun. Lost its war aspect. I see people blaming mechs and devs daily. But let's get real with ourselves KaW. The devs didn't ruin KaW. KaW is still the same as it was 2 years ago. We abolished pwars because everyone was doing pwar and no one wanted to do actual war. Now we have epic battles to replace pwars and we have the same problem. Mechs haven't changed. War hasn't changed. So we have to blame ourselves as the KaWmunity for the war aspect of KaW dying off. If we change anything about mechs of war, will any of u get to warring? If they change pvp plunder payout, will it get the majority warring? Or will the majority find out how to abuse the new mechs we would have and still avoid war? I believe the latter will happen.

    I've sat and thought of many ways to bring it back. ie mechs changes, pvp plunder raises, the likes. Every single option leads to a possibility of abuse of the system.

    And we learn from our history. All through the history of KaW the people have found the easy way out. Farming inactives led to farming osf led to farming apherium. There is no possible way the devs or mechs or pvp plunder payout has any effect on any of it. It has been the evolution of the game. And the further we go the softer the KaWmunity gets. It is our fault KaW is no longer a war game for 98% of the players.

    Every since the games inception people have found the easy way. And the only way to break the cycle is for us to change it. Change won't come from any new mech changes or payout additions. Change only comes from change. So I say this....

    WAR IS DYING. NO OMES FAULT BUT OUR OWN. THE QUESTION IS "what are u personally willing to do to bring the war back. To bring the fun back?"

    Ponder that one until u realize the problem starts with each and everyone of you. Only then will we be able to make the changes we all wish for

  2. Ones* and I love you
  3. First SUPPORT!
  4. No I specifically beat you to first. Tyvm.

    @ OP I agree with you 100%
  5. This has to be one of the best worded threads I've read all week. 
  6. I agree moose. Great stuff here
  7. I view KaW to be like a sandbox that the devs have given us to play in. We Have the shovels and buckets and what ever else you wish to mention. It's up to US to play with them and have fun.
  8.  All hail this thread
  9. Exactly moose. That's the point I'm trying to get across. The devs MADE the game. Now the game is what WE MAKE of it
  10. Best way to bring back war aspect is WAR!

    Someone could host weekly OSW for people who love EB's try it, People could spam world announcement with war related things like I dunno "Let's War!" 
  11. Oh, Mickey, I Have an ally I would like to volley. Care to help a moose out? We volley, I keep?
  12. And the only valid option i can think of to being war back thru a mechanics change (that is impossible to take advantage of and abuse) is to raise the loss percentage on hits and steals.

    If we get the pvp plunder raised it will only lead to abuse of osf again. Of we lower the payout of eb it will only send people to osf.

    We want to avoid any further ways of beating the system or we will inevitably find a way to abuse it.

    But if people start losing more when they get hit then they will be forced to hit back and protect their gold. And isn't that what a war game should be about? Fighting for what u have?
  13. Well written and right on the money mick, Support 
  14. And to beat up the whole "People paid for this gold, they won't like losing more" argument. Exactly. They paid real $ to get it. Do u not see them paying even more $ to protect it?

    Again I cant stress enough how many messages in my pm box I have of people thanking me for bringing war to them. Or how many have happily admitted it has brought about a level of activity they have never had before. And with activity comes xtal purchases. With activity comes real life talk about the game. Real life talk about the game leads to real life people that don't play downloading to see what their friend is so hooked on. Fresh meat means more people to train for when we all inevitably retire. Which brings in more money for devs and more friends for all of us.

    Let's quit being the problem guys. Lets all be a part of the solution
  15. War is dead lol no one told me

    Stripped ally's for sale ;)
  16. Support bro
    Its all about the fight
    and the WIN
  17. Thanks all. My main goal isn't even to introduce new changes to KaW. No new mechs/items/quest/ebs/war systems.

    My goal is to change the MINDSET of the players.

    If 10 people that read this go out and decide to hit someone then thats 20 people that are now doing pvp. Then friends are called in. It grows. Those initial 10 could very possibly result in 500 players going all out. Would bring the excitement back to 500 players.

    Would no doubt lead to more good war threads to entertain us during regen.

    Would no doubt lead to increased sells for the devs.

    Would no doubt lead to a higher percentage of pvp.

    Would increase players activity. May increase new player base.

    Would decrease the nOob level thats at an all time high. See the many Asw threads for examples.

    And best and most of all let me say it again. It would.....