its great to have so many friends

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lililililGrandioselilililil, Apr 20, 2012.

  1. I have 7,000 friends all very nice people without friends u would be screwed in this game because friends not only protect u they help u understand this game more! Thanks everyone for being my friend!!
  2. I have over nine

  3. Oh didnt c that thousand lmao
  4. Cool story bro... Oh wait I forgot no one gives a **** quit spamming forums
  5. Blue.. Where have u been? Lol.
  6. Since when we're u our friend?
  7. 7000? That seems...fake? O_0
  8. More friends in games = less friends in life
  9. 7000 means "Woah look at this (insert popular social networking site :p) comment. Some random person liked a comment made by a mutual friend on my dog's wall. And after going through their friend's friend's friend list, I added them all."
    Or it means "I'm in 2nd grade and just learned a number bigger than 10."
  10. *"7000" friends in game=no life