Immortal Dogs

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Hasharin, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. __________
    [---T--L -OlllllllO-]
    ()_)"""()_)/"**"\)_)beep beep;

    3million stats to compete in this great clan 
    Owners of this great clan:
    - HKSAR Misfits Academy
    - HKSARIce
    - Dirty Dutch

    1. Do not attack members
    2. Do not farm, if farmed alert Admin!
    3. Activity in ALL ways is required
    4. Do not ask to be Admin
    5. Don't buy other Clan members allies
    6. Follow Owner for help and info

    If you want to apply you need to have 3m CS and you have to be friendly;-)
    Headadmins post our Dailychallenges as comment down there
  2. Hash, stop spamming. Moose is coming. *lorax voice* YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
  3. But this is our clanplan sorry
  4. Follow me back. I'll talk to you about future clan threads.
  5. You deserve a forum ban
  6. One of ur members wrote marked on my wall, I'm perplexed not knowing if it's hostile or a recruitment strategy either way support hope you all reach ur goals an succeed 
  7. You don't have 3mil cs, but you're recruiting for a 3mil cs clan. I'm confuzzled.
  8. 0/10 cuz you spam