GROWING Welcome to my guide on how to grow! Stage 1. STARTING OUT I would say that starting the game and making a name for yourself is probably one of the hardest things to do! A good way to do this is to advertise UR kingdom on WC to get volleyed and earn money! An other good way to make money at this stage is to perform the quests! These give money nobility and test your kingdoms attack! This will train you for war and give you money in the process! Stage 2. A OWNER Once you have grown and have about three buildings is to look for a solid owner that will protect an help u grow! I bonded really well with my first and second owners and I have made 2 new friends from the game! Stage 3. A CLAN Once u have grown to about 5,000 attack I would strongly consider joining a clan to gain plunder from war! U could join your owners clan or a friends clan from the game! A good clan should ofer u the wright to choose a title and have a go in war, as well as giving u protection! They should also actionably volley you to help you upgrade! Stage 4. STAYING LOYAL From then on in you have protection, friends and a lots of money to improve and expand your empire until one day you have the power to create your own clan! So please stay loyal and u will GROW!! OVER AND OUT SABBER
Don't tell noobs to advertise on cc. Damn.....we get enough of that already. I wanna see funny banter and wit on cc. Not hire me. Hire me. Flash up 100 times. Noobs apply to a clan and they will help u with volleys and builds. Advertising on wc only will bring attention to urself in a bad way. And don't go for a clan where the leader is only slightly stronger than u. They know jack shizz
I hate to troll...but this guide is awful. Anyone reading this should use a better one found in the strategy section.