Powers Hydra : Power to control the water Pyro : Power to control fire Telekenises : Power to control objects with you mind Blood - Sense : power to sense your enemies blood when in danger Transformations: Werewolf: Half human , half wolf creature of the night Vampire: Bloodsucker (already a vampire list in appearance if not then list as power) Wolf: night creature related to the dog Owl: flying night creature that eats animals
"no ! Kovu !" Deception , Disgrace, Evil as plain as the scar on his face. Deception (an out rage), Disgrace (for shame) He asked for trouble the moment he came . Deception (an outrage) . Disgrace (for shame) . You know these outsider types. Evil as plain as the scar on his face. See you later agitator ! Deception (An outrage) Just leave us alone ! Disgrace (for shame). Traitor go back with your own ! He asked for trouble the moment he came. See you later Agitator ! Born in Grief , raised in hate, helpless to defy his fate. Let him run,let him live , but do not forget what we cannot forgive and He is not one of us. He has never been one of us , He is not part of us , not our kind ! Someone once lied to us now we're not so blind for we knew that he'll do what he's done and we know that he'll never be one of us . He is not one of us. Deception Disgrace Deception Disgrace Deception
ya, u r on another thread in fanfic (its locked now) u said how terrible ur life is and ur only friend is Danny then ur alt, amberstar, said the exact same thing coincidence? and u ALWAYS know wat amber is doing, and u BOTH growled at star at same time... coincidence? NO
ya, u r on another thread in fanfiction (its locked now) u said how terrible your life is and your only friend is Danny then your "alt", Amberstar_, said the exact same thing coincidence? and u ALWAYS know what amber is doing, and u BOTH growled at star at same time... coincidence? NO[/quote] the part about Danny, is true the rest of me being an alt of Amberstar_ (Kiara_) is false ... We both have no ALTS BUT U CAN BLAME Thuderstar-Thunderclan , he has more than one alt .. all leaders for the most part..