UCvs zaft who do you think will win

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Jigsaw-4-the-union, Sep 17, 2013.

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  1. This is a simple thread who do you think will win and why

    I think uc will win since they out number zaft and WDGAF now your turn
  2. Umbrella Corp.
  4. Any reason ^ die for metal
  5. Hard to say.
    Many old school clans in UC and zaft itself very old school. I see neither side backing down not anytime soon anyways. Will be a very long war. With friends on both sides I can't pick who I want to win either.
  6. Does size have anything to do with osw? I believe that just allows ZAFT and WDGAF more targets to hit... Which is more fun. I see a mutual CF in the future but not for a while
  7. True^ but zaft could hit them all and have little to no troops while the rest of UC sits on them unless zaft all hit 1 member at a time 
  8. And one got a reason ^
  9. More than likely will end with mutual cf, however more hatred towards the other side as with more respect(I hope) : )
  10. Honestly? With the numbers, personalities, stubbornness and egos there'll be no winners in a war of this size. Rocket is right, only winners are the devs. Clans will be destroyed, good players leave friendships broken and new ones formed and lb will continue to spend a fortune.


     ᎧS།R།S
  11. Too many clans, so much stored cash

    Either a 6 month war or a CF because haunting x4 have been released
  12. People who play to fight in OSW and find OSW fun will win. Those who take things to personally will lose.

    Devs will win.

    As for a clear winner. Possible, but doubtfull.
  13. Wait till TFC X3 comes out o.o
  14. ZAFT will win, if it doesn't end in mutual ceasefire, for the simple reason that they will not allow themselves to be seen as defeated. Laoda will rally the troops, and some hidden ally will jump in and lay waste to one of the UC clans, balance out the numbers, and that'll be all she wrote.
  15. Both alliances are fighters however if not a mutual cf I think uc will win zaft been on top long enough.
  16. Mutual cf is most likely what will happen. But you never know who has a few tricks up thier sleeve
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