Hey everyone.. Around this time of the year, it's pretty much decent weather to be outside around the world.. (Except if you live in Antartica.. Or Detroit).. And as you all mobile players know and love, you can take KaW pretty much anywhere where there is cell or wifi coverage.. (Comes in real handy at the Supermarket checkout lines) So.. Let's start a Super Fantastic KAW OUTDOORS DAY!!! Basically the deal is this.. Post a pic of an outside place you are Kaw'ing if you want (Please don't break ToU!) and share with us whatever the outdoors that you are enjoying while keeping your enemies pinned and zeroed! Ok ok.. Before you start posting pictures of your bathroom ceilings or your 70 inch curved 4K TV's or your mom's basement, it must have elements of outdoors m'kay!.. Like the sky.. And trees and stuff.. This is a shot from a couple of hours ago.. It's nighttime now but I'll deffo post in the morning! This thread will encourage me to go outdoors once I've done my chores tomorrow.. Let's do this!!.. If you can't post pics, atleast describe the outdoor scene UR enjoying.. ️ KAW OUTDOORS DAY️️
Sitting on my porch last summer in June around 2am with a cup of morning coffee. Nothing better than never darkness summers. Still have a few weeks till it's nice enough to KAW outside.
Lucky, I can't go outside cos I'm allergic to sunlight. Only when a full moon is in the sky is when a woifie can come out of his cave
Hmm let me see.. So far.. 1 vampire excusing they can't go out 1 werewoIfie excusing they can't go out (supporting the vampire) 1 fake outside photo 1 photo of a swanky monitor inside a room with said fake photo 1 raining sideways 1 legit outside photo.. Ok it could be worse! LETS GET GOING!!! Remember.. Outside! Take a photo out your window!! Atleast stare at the sky while kawing!!! Or something..
Such a nice beautiful cloudy day behind my house... Lots of trees.. NOT!! They ruined what it used to be
Alright! Here we go!!.. DOWNHILL TRAVEL PROHIBITED!!! That's right!.. You only go up! Halfway.. About half an hour ago.. *pant* *pant* Mt. Baker majestically looming in the distance.. Wake up American neighbours!! The top is a very touristy area btw (with the tram car everyone can come up and enjoy) Oh I better post this curving.. #EagleB4Eagled
Omg made it back to civilization!!!! Ok here's my trip in parts.. Ahh mixed rock, roots, snow and stream.. Spring hiking in Canada!! Where I am going.. A few hills in between lol Should have brought snowboots and snowshoes!! Now it's gonna be a wet hike 15 min later.. Yup my feet are soaked... Closer!!! I ate some snow and may be a little delirious.. No cell signal..
Gotta love these vista points.. Most of the mountains in the foreground are relatively easily hikable.. To all the peeps at KaW!!.. It's actually pretty warm (12 degrees ).. Perfect for hiking Other than my wet socks and wet feet, I'm ok! Pretty much an hour of this.. Pretty much on all fours.. The snow makes it nice and soft actually.. Better than mud Time for chains!!! You actually need them more on the way down on days like this.. Ahhh... Summit.. Beautiful raven.. Big one too.. I saw a bald eagle flew by but too fast to take a pic.. I guess I got eagled..