Ψιτh αιι τhέζε rετιrεππεπτ τhrεαdζ κιΙΙιπ´ ππγ vιβε-ιvε τακεπ ιτ upΦπ ππγζειf τθ ππακε απ απτι-rετιrεππέπτ τhrεαd... ιΙΙ πεvεr Ιεαvε ππγ frιεπdζ-grθψτh φr πθ grθψτh. Ιvε grθψπ ζΙΦψ απd ι κπθψ τhιζ.. ψιτh τhατ ζαιd ιd Ιικε τθ τhαπκ εvεryθπε ψhθ ππαdε τhιζ εχpεrιεπcε επjθγαβιε 4 ππε.. 1. Qwertyqwertyqwertyqwertyqwerty 2. Lordsoakedinsaki 3. Darklordsoakedinsaki 4. Eddysoel 5. Jcoots 6. Filthy_strumpet 7. Sir-Hayden 8. LrdDarius 9. Lexi 10. Assassin 11. Blumpy 12. Manbearpig 13. Arsh 14. Alex-Lexi 15. TheBeginningOfTheEnd(Rip always loved) 16. Chongo Hombre 17. Evlrod 18. AshesofEden 19. A1 20. LongstrokesLeighton 21. GCW2 22. 007 Agent 23. BAMFBabboBBQ 24. Tamaia 25. Aabi <3 26. Mickeyknocks 27. Wikileaks 28. Shine 29. Deathangel 30. President 31. Dillybar 32. Tophatcat 33. Pabster 34. JayChris17 35. Nightzombien 36. Darklordthor 37. Enki 38. Dammyboi 39. Insaner 40. Pwnager 41. RdBarley 42. Docsmith3 43. ABK 44. -Q- 45. A_Kingdom 46. Bangher 47. -CookieMonster- 48. TroubleMaker 49. Guru 50. 777zzz 51. Diablo 52. Compotato 53. Fink 54. Bad-Nikki 55. Mellybug 56. AvatarRoku 57. Superman 58. ReflectionEternal 59. PeterGriffen 60. Slayerbob 61. -skittles- 62. TaylorTheGreat 63. Dinkyy 64. Ahdragos 65. Summer 66. Ivanfong 67. Shadowkahn 68. I6I6I6I___Dread___I6I6I6I 69. Sleeping Sickness 70. Badrobot I'm sure I'm missing some people in here. If you would like to take the time and thank the people who helped you or made this experience memorable be my guest . Feel free to make your own thread. These Debbie downer busters are killing my vibe. If I wanted to hear someone complain I would listen to my nagging wife hehe xD Looking back there is a reason I've stayed around for 5 years. I could never let down my broskis and brobrahs. This is an anti-retirement thread so don't expect me to go anywhere. I apologize if there is anyone I missed that has made an impact in my kaw life. Thank you for saving me from anti-socialism. Hehe ^^ many more years to come .
Since we are posting random funnies....or at least i think thats what we are doing......what did they eat to cause this?