I Want To Be a Unicorn SONG

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by MovesLikeJagger, May 8, 2011.

  1. I want to be a unicorn
    A grammar saving unicorn
    Who flies across the land of noobs
    Who've never learned the grammar, too.

    I want to be a unicorn
    A spellchecking unicorn
    Who makes sure "you" isn't "u"
    And "I" isn't "i".

    We all want to be unicorns
    Rainbow surfing unicorns
    Helping the KaW nation
    Saving grammar starvation.
  2. Can I put this in my album? I'll write u wrote it
  3. Haha sure, Anon.
  4. It's AMAZING
  5. Nice song!
  6. I thought it was going to be a parody of Billionaire
  7. Wait what song is it a parody of?
  8. Okay*

    Anon kk isn't a word 
  9. Nothing. I was bored and mad a song.

    Want to start a band, Anon?
  10. I don't think it's a parody
  11. Anon, do you have Pal?
  12. No Beckham but I'll let u do sone singing parts in my songs. Like duets
  13. Palringo*
  14. Some*