
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *GreatOneFreak (01), May 4, 2010.

  1. What is the best strategy to use when buying towers?
  2. Buy spydef towers if spies are annoying you and def towers if attackers are annoyin you
  3. Don't buy towers
  4. Don't buy defense towers but spy defense towers are good especially during strip wars
  5. Thought this was about 9/11. Phew.
  6. Coin is smexy.
  7. Ryol answered that question perfectly. Short and sweet.
  8.  shall the spam war continue?
  9. You guys know this thread is old, right?
  10. @Moonlight
    That's exactly what I thought too.
    That was too close.
  11. Too much bringing back, this guy probably doesnt even play anymore. That or hes hlbc
  12. Too lazy to check his stats
  13. Haha wow I didn't even notice the date... Forums should be deleted after 1 month of inactivity
  14. OMG OMG THIS THREAD WAS MADE WHEN I JOINED KAW ON MY MAIN........not forums just kaw :(
  15. Let's see, back in 2010 I think I would've bought 2 defense towers and 1 spy defense tower.
  16. Damm - someone broke out the backhoe....
  17. None of the above. E
  18. Don't build tower it will lower ur plunder......