I have been on KaW for 90 days by now. But I still do not understand what build is the best or ally's to choose or Evan how to earn decent Gold! Any help at all would be great.
First off, a good subclan/clan should be teaching you this. Secondly, the best build for you is the one that suits your playing style. Thirdly, best allies are active, the more the better, pro if possible (shows they spend, likely on nobs and crystals too) and the best stats on the first 3-5 pages of that price in the market.
as stated above. Your build is yours. Make your kingdom how you want it to be. People will tell you hansel is best; in many ways it is (all spy, one attack). Pure spy is a safe option for some things. Personally, I like an attack build as it's more active, can do more within the game and makes the game more enjoyable to me. But that is down to the fact that I am willing to be stripped (it's part of the game) and start again with rebuilding. Experiment with your build. Don't rush to complete all the lands. Finding the build that suits your purpose is part of the game.. And you can always change it! Best advice I can give is; no matter what you choose (pure spy excepted) buy active allies. You earn more and they are vital to your stats!
Pure spy is not a good way to start. 1. You can NEVER leave gold out 2. It is extremely hard to make gold as a spy 3. Spy buildings are the most expensive to buy.
I recommend starting as an attack build. Learn the game mechanics then either create a second account or convert your attack build