War 6 match up

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Beowulf-, Aug 25, 2013.

  1. Devs your system is pathetic

    Please explain how you matched our clan
    27 members 248m cs against a clan with 29 members and cs of 322m

    Don't dare show me a graph or a spreadsheet
    I would like you to explain to me in simple terms

    I await your reply but most likely you will choose to ignore it
  2. *adds to the pile of threads complaining about matchups*
  3. Did you seriously count how much cs yours and the other clan ha in total.......lol....didn't you have anything better to do?
  4. yet had they given you a no match, you would complain about that. lets turn this thread into a discussion about ponies.

  5. What's funny is this is not that bad of a match compared to a lot of them...
  6. This would have been better off in an email sent to support.
  7. Why acetown ???? Either way it will get ignored
  8. If you are going to war, don't complain. Remember you signed up for it.
  9. Apparently some people don't understand what clans do preparing for a war. Yes, most do run a spreadsheet (with totals) to assign targets. It kinda necessary if you your members hitting someone they should win on.

  10. Should look at kotfe last ee 26v 29. We win 3 people down. Much respect to warriors on both sides. Just because you're outnumbered or out cs, don't mean you can't win.
  11. Probably because a couple of their members were too big to be part of the war and couldn't even hit a lot of your members.
  12. Devs look beyond CS and member numbers.
  13. If you have less CS then the likelihood is that you have more BFA and/or BFE.
  14. I agree with him on this one.. that matchup was bogus.
  15. Then why post it and fill up the AT board with useless spam?
  16. I apologize, I mispelled your name. I meant Gnaard not Gnnard, but why would it matter anyways? It'll just be ignored
  17. @Spy

    The member of the other clan put on the War 5/6 thread that they had bigger cs, bfe, bfa + 1 lber and 2 more members and they got match :lol: . And why not use forums instead of email? Better chance to get a answer from them here than email em.

    And most of the forum threads are trash though.
  18. I'm with devil on this one. Just because they had a lot of cs doesn't mean they could use it. Just get a dts/dtw. Bfe and bfa are also possible reasons for the seeming unbalaced matchup.
  19. Devs said it themselves bad matches lately.so dont all assuming he is whining. Merely stating that got a bad match up. Also against common belief they do exist and if u have done ee wars at least 10 or more im sure u have also had one. So lay off a person for speaking their opinion and if u dont like it dont read it. FYI THIS ISNT A STATLESS ALT FEEL FREE TO COME PLAY! ;)