Guide to Everything You Need to Know 

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Apologize-, Feb 20, 2011.

  1. KaW Dictionary, Buildings, Places, People, and Codes



    AC- Ally Chat, where you can talk to your allies (see number 5)
    Admin- Administrators of a clan: they can accept members, declare war, post on CA (see section C), change member's titles, etc.
    Active- actively playing KaW at the moment
    Allies- people you hire for plunder, or volley for money (see section V)
    Ally Plunder- money you get every time you attack the enemy... The higher price you hire the ally, the more plunder you receive
    Ally list- list of allies... Button on the bottom in the center that saids allies (on Idevice)
    Attack- hitting somebody on the battle list (see section B) or your stats for attack
    Assassinate: using spies to kill your troops


    Ban- something Devs (see section D) can do if you break ToU
    BC- Build complete; if you brought all 25 lands
    Bil- Billion; usually refer to money
    BL- Battle list, list of other kingdoms around your stat that you can attack
    Bots- not allowed
    Buildings- what you build on brought land
    Bump- to move a thread to the top
    Bypassing- showing a bad word that is censored by putting spaces, letters, symbols in between; can get silenced (see section S) or banned


    Chat- World chat, Clan chat, or Ally chat
    Clan- brought for 3 bil, there is one owner (see section O) and admins... Clans can be for friends, growing, wars, or pwars (see section P)
    CC- clan chat; place when clan members can discuss without others seeing it
    CA- clan announcement above CC that only the owner and admins can change
    Castle- building in the middle that cannot be sold, brought, or upgraded
    Castle Code- No such thing
    Codes- add color, bold, underline, etc to your posts (only work on forums) see code section
    Closed- when an OSF or OSA (see section O) isn't open for attacks
    Combined Stats- all your stat combined together


    Devs- developers who made this game
    Dropping pots- that is what OSF do during pwars
    Defense- your stats for defense, the higher your def the hard it will be for your enemy to attack you
    DTW- Defender too weak
    DTS- Defender too strong


    Enemy- the person who you attack
    Emoji- small pictures and emotions... get the app emoji free and download the keyboard
    Empty- to use all troops until they are all gone


    Farming- to attack more than five times (farmers usually become clan farms- where whole clan farms you)
    Forfeit- to surrender
    Full- have all troops/spies
    FTW- slang used in the country wars
    Forums- place for random talk or for help


    Guide- threads that help you learn like this


    Hire- to buy an ally
    Hit- to attack
    Health crystals- used to regain troops... Can be earned during quests


    Inactive- not longer playing KaW
    Inactive Farm- inactive that you can farm for money
    iDevice- IPod, IPhone, or IPad



    KaW- the game you're playing
    Kingdom- your account
    K- thousand referring to stats or money


    Land- place where you build your buildings
    LC- land complete
    LB- Top players with best stats


    Merc- letting in big players during war
    Mil- million
    Mods- moderators (see people section)


    Noob- new person that done want to learn
    Newb- new person that is willing to learn
    Nob- nobility can be brought from oracle (100 nob to buy a clan)


    Open- allowed to hit as much as you like
    OAF- open attack farm
    OSF- open spy farm
    Oracle- where you can buy nob, pots, etc
    Owner- the person who hired you or the owner of a clan: can accept/reject members, kick members/admins, change titles and clan info, etc.


    Pal- Palringo: an instant messaging app
    Pin- to make a person DTW
    Pwars- War where you hit OSF/OAF for money, but have to surrender
    Pwar clans- clans made only for pwars
    Permeant Items- items that last forever... Cannot be sold, traded, or brought



    Regain- wait til you have full troops/spies


    Spies- used to spy others
    Steal- steal money
    Scouting- used to see your opponents buildings
    Stats- your attack/def/spy/spy def
    Strip- to hire your opponents' ally then attack for money
    Silenced- 1
  2. Continued...
    Silenced- 1
  3. Nice thread. This will help new players learn more about the game. Good job 
  4. Silenced- 1
  5. Silenced- 1
  6. I can't post the other half :cry:
  7. KaW Dictionary, Buildings, Places, and People
    AC- Ally Chat, where you can talk to your allies (see number 5)
    Admin- Administrators of a clan: they can accept members, declare war, post on CA (see section C), change member's titles, etc.
    Active- actively playing KaW at the moment
    Allies- people you hire for plunder, or volley for money (see section V)
    Ally Plunder- money you get every time you attack the enemy... The higher price you hire the ally, the more plunder you receive
    Ally list- list of allies... Button on the bottom in the center that saids allies (on Idevice)
    Attack- hitting somebody on the battle list (see section B) or your stats for attack
    Assassinate: using spies to kill your troops
    Ban- something Devs (see section D) can do if you break ToU
    BC- Build complete; if you brought all 25 lands
    Bil- Billion; usually refer to money
    BL- Battle list, list of other kingdoms around your stat that you can attack
    Bots- not allowed
    Buildings- what you build on brought land
    Bump- to move a thread to the top
    Bypassing- showing a bad word that is censored by putting spaces, letters, symbols in between; can get silenced (see section S) or banned
    Chat- World chat, Clan chat, or Ally chat
    Clan- brought for 3 bil, there is one owner (see section O) and admins... Clans can be for friends, growing, wars, or pwars (see section P)
    CC- clan chat; place when clan members can discuss without others seeing it
    CA- clan announcement above CC that only the owner and admins can change
    Castle- building in the middle that cannot be sold, brought, or upgraded
    Castle Code- No such thing
    Codes- add color, bold, underline, etc to your posts (only work on forums) see code section
    Closed- when an OSF or OSA (see section O) isn't open for attacks
    Combined Stats- all your stat combined together
    Devs- developers who made this game
    Dropping pots- that is what OSF do during pwars
    Defense- your stats for defense, the higher your def the hard it will be for your enemy to attack you
    DTW- Defender too weak
    DTS- Defender too strong
    Enemy- the person who you attack
    Emoji- small pictures and emotions... get the app emoji free and download the keyboard
    Empty- to use all troops until they are all gone
    Farming- to attack more than five times (farmers usually become clan farms- where whole clan farms you)
    Forfeit- to surrender
    Full- have all troops/spies
    FTW- slang used in the country wars
    Forums- place for random talk or for help
    Guide- threads that help you learn like this
    Hire- to buy an ally
    Hit- to attack
    Health crystals- used to regain troops... Can be earned during quests
    Inactive- not longer playing KaW
    Inactive Farm- inactive that you can farm for money
    iDevice- IPod, IPhone, or IPad
    KaW- the game you're playing
    Kingdom- your account
    K- thousand referring to stats or money
    Land- place where you build your buildings
    LC- land complete
    Lurking- on forums but not commenting
    Merc- letting in big players during war
    Mil- million
    Mods- moderators (see people section)
    Noob- new person that done want to learn
    Newb- new person that is willing to learn
    Nob- nobility can be brought from oracle (100 nob to buy a clan)
    Open- allowed to hit as much as you like
    OAF- open attack farm
    OSF- open spy farm
    Oracle- where you can buy nob, pots, etc
    Owner- the person who hired you or the owner of a clan: can accept/reject members, kick members/admins, change titles and clan info, etc.
    Pal- Palringo: an instant messaging app
    Pin- to make a person DTW
    Pwars- War where you hit OSF/OAF for money, but have to surrender
    Pwar clans- clans made only for pwars
    Permeant Items- items that last forever... Cannot be sold, traded, or brought
    Regain- wait til you have full troops/spies
    Spies- used to spy others
    Steal- steal money
    Scouting- used to see your opponents buildings
    Stats- your attack/def/spy/spy def
    Strip- to hire your opponents' ally then attack for money
    Silenced- 1
  8. Still can't fit
  9. KaW Dictionary, Buildings, Places, anx People
    AC- Ally Chat, where you can talk to your allies
    Admin- Administrators of a clan
    Active- actively playing KaW at the moment
    Allies- people you hire for plunder, or volley for money (see section V)
    Ally Plunder- money you get every time you attack the enemy
    Ally list- list of allies...
    Attack- hitting somebody on the battle list (see section B) or your stats for attack
    Assassinate: using spies to kill your troops
    Ban- something Devs (see section D) can do if you break ToU
    BC- Build complete; if you brought all 25 lands
    Bil- Billion; usually refer to money
    BL- Battle list, list of other kingdoms around your stat that you can attack
    Bots- not allowed
    Buildings- what you build on brought land
    Bump- to move a thread to the top
    Bypassing- showing a bad word that is censored by putting spaces, letters, symbols in between; can get silenced (see section S) or banned
    Chat- World chat, Clan chat, or Ally chat
    Clan- brought for 3 bil, there is one owner (see section O) and admins...
    CC- clan chat; place when clan members can discuss without others seeing it
    CA- clan announcement above CC that only the owner and admins can change
    Castle- building in the middle that cannot be sold, brought, or upgraded
    Castle Code- No such thing
    Codes- add color, bold, underline, etc to your posts (only work on forums)
    Closed- when an OSF or OSA (see section O) isn't open for attacks
    Combined Stats- all your stat combined together
    Devs- developers who made this game
    Dropping pots- that is what OSF do during pwars
    Def- your stats for defense
    DTW- Defender too weak
    DTS- Defender too strong
    Enemy- the person who you attack
    Emoji- get the app emoji free and download the keyboard
    Empty- to use all troops until they are all gone
    Farming- to attack more than five times
    Forfeit- to surrender
    Full- have all troops/spies
    FTW- slang used in the country wars
    Forums- place for random talk or for help
    Guide- threads that help you learn like this
    Hire- to buy an ally
    Hit- to attack
    Health crystals- used to regain troops... Can be earned during quests
    Inactive- not longer playing KaW
    Inactive Farm- inactive that you can farm for money
    iDevice- IPod, IPhone, or IPad
    KaW- the game you're playing
    Kingdom- your account
    K- thousand referring to stats or money
    Land- place where you build your buildings
    LC- land complete
    Lurking- on forums but not commenting
    Merc- letting in big players during war
    Mil- million
    Mods- moderators (see people section)
    Noob- new person that done want to learn
    Newb- new person that is willing to learn
    Nob- nobility can be brought from oracle (100 nob to buy a clan)
    Open- allowed to hit as much as you like
    OAF- open attack farm
    OSF- open spy farm
    Oracle- where you can buy nob, pots, etc
    Owner- the person who hired you or the owner of a clan: can accept/reject members, kick members/admins, change titles, etc.
    Pal- Palringo
    Pin- to make a person DTW
    Pwars- War where you hit OSF/OAF for money, but have to surrender
    Pwar clans- clans made only for pwars
    Permeant Items- Cannot be sold, traded, or brought
    Regain- wait til you have full troops/spies
    Spies- used to spy others
    Steal- steal money
    Scouting- used to see your opponents buildings
    Stats- your attack/def/spy/spy def
    Strip- to hire your opponents' ally then attack for money
    Silenced- 1
  10. Please send to graveyard :cry: Don't lock though
  11. KaW Dictionary, Buildings, Places, anx People
    AC- Ally Chat, where you can talk to your allies
    Admin- Administrators of a clan
    Active- actively playing KaW at the moment
    Allies- people you hire for plunder, or volley for money (see section V)
    Ally Plunder- money you get every time you attack the enemy
    Ally list- list of allies...
    Attack- hitting somebody on the battle list (see section B) or your stats for attack
    Assassinate: using spies to kill your troops
    Ban- something Devs (see section D) can do if you break ToU
    BC- Build complete; if you brought all 25 lands
    Bil- Billion; usually refer to money
    BL- Battle list, list of other kingdoms around your stat that you can attack
    Bots- not allowed
    Buildings- what you build on brought land
    Bump- to move a thread to the top
    Bypassing- showing a bad word that is censored by putting spaces, letters, symbols in between; can get silenced (see section S) or banned
    Chat- World chat, Clan chat, or Ally chat
    Clan- brought for 3 bil, there is one owner (see section O) and admins...
    CC- clan chat; place when clan members can discuss without others seeing it
    CA- clan announcement above CC that only the owner and admins can change
    Castle- building in the middle that cannot be sold, brought, or upgraded
    Castle Code- No such thing
    Codes- add color, bold, underline, etc to your posts (only work on forums)
    Closed- when an OSF or OSA (see section O) isn't open for attacks
    Combined Stats- all your stat combined together
    Devs- developers who made this game
    Dropping pots- that is what OSF do during pwars
    Def- your stats for defense
    DTW- Defender too weak
    DTS- Defender too strong
    Enemy- the person who you attack
    Emoji- get the app emoji free and download the keyboard
    Empty- to use all troops until they are all gone
    Farming- to attack more than five times
    Forfeit- to surrender
    Full- have all troops/spies
    FTW- slang used in the country wars
    Forums- place for random talk or for help
    Guide- threads that help you learn like this
    Hire- to buy an ally
    Hit- to attack
    Health crystals- used to regain troops... Can be earned during quests
    Inactive- not longer playing KaW
    Inactive Farm- inactive that you can farm for money
    iDevice- IPod, IPhone, or IPad
    KaW- the game you're playing
    Kingdom- your account
    K- thousand referring to stats or money
    Land- place where you build your buildings
    LC- land complete
    Lurking- on forums but not commenting
    Merc- letting in big players during war
    Mil- million
    Mods- moderators (see people section)
    Noob- new person that done want to learn
    Newb- new person that is willing to learn
    Nob- nobility can be brought from oracle (100 nob to buy a clan)
    Open- allowed to hit as much as you like
    OAF- open attack farm
    OSF- open spy farm
    Oracle- where you can buy nob, pots, etc
    Owner- the person who hired you or the owner of a clan: can accept/reject members, kick members/admins, change titles, etc.
    Pal- Palringo
    Pin- to make a person DTW
    Pwars- War where you hit OSF/OAF for money, but have to surrender
    Pwar clans- clans made only for pwars
    Permeant Items- Cannot be sold, traded, or brought
    Regain- wait til you have full troops/spies
    Spies- used to spy others
    Steal- steal money
    Scouting- used to see your opponents buildings
    Stats- your attack/def/spy/spy def
    Strip- to hire your opponents' ally then attack for money
  12. Silenced- 1
  13. It never fits o_O
  14. Continued
    Silenced- 1
  15. Silenced- 1
  16. Just delete plz
  17. Silenced- 1
  18. KaW Dictionary, Buildings, Places, anx People
    1) AC- Ally Chat, where you can talk to your allies
    2) Admin- Administrators of a clan
    3) Active- actively playing KaW at the moment
    4) Allies- people you hire for plunder, or volley for money (see section V)
    5) Ally Plunder- money you get every time you attack the enemy
    6) Ally list- list of allies...
    7) Attack- hitting somebody on the battle list (see section B) or your stats for attack
    8) Assassinate: using spies to kill your troops
    9) Ban- something Devs (see section D) can do if you break ToU
    10) BC- Build complete; if you brought all 25 lands
    11) Bil- Billion; usually refer to money
    12) BL- Battle list, list of other kingdoms around your stat that you can attack
    13) Bots- not allowed
    14) Buildings- what you build on brought land
    15) Bump- to move a thread to the top
    15) Bypassing- showing a bad word that is censored by putting spaces, letters, symbols in between; can get silenced (see section S) or banned
    16) Chat- World chat, Clan chat, or Ally chat
    17) Clan- brought for 3 bil, there is one owner (see section O) and admins...
    18) CC- clan chat; place when clan members can discuss without others seeing it
    19) CA- clan announcement above CC that only the owner and admins can change
    20) Castle- building in the middle that cannot be sold, brought, or upgraded
    21) Castle Code- No such thing
    22) Codes- add color, bold, underline, etc to your posts (only work on forums)
    23) Closed- when an OSF or OSA (see section O) isn't open for attacks
    24) Combined Stats- all your stat combined together
    25) Devs- developers who made this game
    26) Dropping pots- that is what OSF do during pwars
    27) Def- your stats for defense
    28) DTW- Defender too weak
    29) DTS- Defender too strong
    30) Enemy- the person who you attack
    31) Emoji- get the app emoji free and download the keyboard
    32) Empty- to use all troops until they are all gone
    33) Farming- to attack more than five times
    34) Forfeit- to surrender
    35) Full- have all troops/spies
    36) FTW- slang used in the country wars
    37) Forums- place for random talk or for help
    38) Guide- threads that help you learn like this
    39) Hire- to buy an ally
    40) Hit- to attack
    41) Health crystals- used to regain troops... Can be earned during quests
    42) Inactive- not longer playing KaW
    43) Inactive Farm- inactive that you can farm for money
    44) iDevice- IPod, IPhone, or IPad
    45) KaW- the game you're playing
    46) Kingdom- your account
    47) K- thousand referring to stats or money
    48) Land- place where you build your buildings
    49)LC- land complete
    50)Lurking- on forums but not commenting
    51) Merc- letting in big players during war
    52) Mil- million
    53) Mods- moderators (see people section)
    54) Noob- new person that doesnt want to learn
    55) Newb- new person that is willing to learn
    56) Nob- nobility can be brought from oracle (100 nob to buy a clan)
    57) Open- allowed to hit as much as you like
    58) OAF- open attack farm
    59) OSF- open spy farm
    69) Oracle- where you can buy nob, pots, etc
    61) Owner- the person who hired you or the owner of a clan: can accept/reject members, kick members/admins, change titles, etc.
    62) Pal- Palringo
    63) Pin- to make a person DTW
    64) Pwars- War where you hit OSF/OAF for money, but have to surrender
    65) Pwar clans- clans made only for pwars
    66) Permeant Items- Cannot be sold, traded, or brought
    67) Regain- wait til you have full troops/spies
    68) Spies- used to spy others
    69) Steal- steal money
    70) Scouting- used to see your opponents buildings
    71) Stats- your attack/def/spy/spy def
    72) Strip- to hire your opponents' ally then attack for money
    73) Silenced- 1