So you want to know how to get rich and strong, possibly even be on the lb. Well here's what you do. Don't spend any money on KaW and make a computer account. Make sure your main is on an idevice. Next conduct cash transfers to build up your alt. Buy all spy buildings. Next make your alt a clan and challenge it for war. What ever you do don't download and use scripts, and don't look up "Kingdoms at war botting" on YouTube. You'll want to sell pots yourself. When the war draws near have your clan forfeit the war. Now your spy alt will get 20% of all gold made. Even gold from people who left the clan before the end of the war. Lastly you'll want to transfer the cash to your main account by volleying people. Your main will receive around 12% of the money made from the pwar. Example: If the war pot is 1000B your alt will have made 200B and after you transfer the cash your main will have 120B. Happy Kawing
Just an the last 10min of war, move your main to the alt's clan and the alt to the main's, unload once with the main, then forfeit. Forgo the volly entirely
You'll want to get more people into the clan and even possibly do hit and run pwars. That's more money!! :lol: I know 1000B = 1T I used 1000B to keep all units the same for simplicity.