Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by llR_-I-_Pll_Delta_llR_-I-_Pll, Aug 3, 2011.

  1. Post and comment on any riddles u know, TY :)
  2. Ok, there are two rooms, one containing 3 switches (labelled one, two and three) and the other containing a light, (you can't see through). You can go into the other room ONCE and you can only turn on one switch at a time. Which switch is it/how do you find out which switch it is?¿?
  3. I can eat as many sheep as I want and still be hungry, I can grow as big as I want and still grow bigger. What am I?¿?
  4. Big bad wolf lol
  5. Igiant- A fire. I'm correct :)
  6. walk into the room with one switch
  7. there are five people in a playhouse and of the kids leaves but then there is none left.how
  8. one of the kids
  9. The rest are adults
  10. A man walk's into a bar.
    Man: Ouch?!!!
    what happened
  11. he stepped on glass
  12. He walked into a metal bar..........
  13. He ran into the bar.
  14. There are 6 birds sitting on a wire. I shoot one. How many are left?
  15. None they all flew away
  16. If a man is driving on the left of the road, and another coming the other direction, what state am I in? (example: Man on left driving-   - man on the right driving)
  17. What state would I be in if: A man was driving on The LEFT side of the road -> X || X and another was driving on the RIGHT side of the road in the opposite direction. X || X <-
    Example: ||
  18. You would be in England.