Start Off Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ProdigalCub, Dec 16, 2011.

  1. Money

    well when you first start off and don't know what to do at all, you can start off by completing some quests. Quests are an easy and quick way to get money.

    once you've completed a couple quests and have enough money to build a couple of builds. Start hitting the BL (Battle List) make sure you do not hit a person more than FIVE time in 24 hours. That will he farming and you will have a lot of trouble coming your way.

    after you have made a profit off BL you can now join a clan. Clans are one of the most important parts of this game. In clans there is a battle called EB's(epic battles) these EB's are one of the best ways to earn plunder, there is a payout at the and of an EB that payout is based on your activity in that EB


    Now you must have allies they are very important in this game they give plunder bonus, and skills bonus. There are other threads of max plunder.


    Clans like I said earlier are very important to your growth. When you join a clan make sure you have the right skills to hit the ebs they are doing or wars. 300k- should be in a clan that does evenscene and below 500 should be in a clan doing Hauntings that is one of the most popular EB's


    That's my first real forum post. If there are issues with this post wall me and I will help you out.
  2. I Forgot some things in this post but if you all liked this one I will look into making one with much more info and better layout
  3. I suggest getting into a good clan first before bl.
  4. It's depends on how careful you are in hitting opponents really. But you could do either
  5. My bews is filled with fails, not one has a clan. Get in a clan and grow.
  6. i don't mean just hit off BL in the beginning i just mean get some cash from it than join a clan so you have money already and can build
  7. Omg there is no periods. All run-on sentences. First, I suggest you go to 1st grade English.
  8. I'm not using correct spelling and grammar because I am on an iPod and it's a hassle trying to type and use correct spelling
  9. So you rather be Dumb and Lazy.

    Ps. Don't make threads because you suck at it leave it to the professionals.
  10. yes, but I made it took the time. I will make another Guide to something with much more info and correct grammar[/color
  11. So this is Spam. I hate Spam.
  12. Look, the best way to make money is to ask for a volley. Then build forges, join a clan doing easier EBs. That's what you didn't mention.
  13. i'm not a professional. I just posted this trying to help newcomers out. If I got some of it wrong then my bad
  14. Spam? Your dumb ass read the post!
    Grammar = 1st grade English retake? STFU! Murito's post was not a doctoral thesis that needs to be defended on grammatical correctness.
  15. U get vollied, join a clan, build a beastiary and some forges, and then hit EBs. Easy
