Daddy's Little Princess

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by KeenaLikeABoss, Jun 27, 2011.

  1. This is 100% my poem hehe I wrote it on Fathers day... Hope y'all like it 

    I brought myself up,
    Through the blood and tears,
    I would crack a smile,
    Because nobody cares.

    Walking the streets alone,
    I saw other girl's with their Daddy,
    I didn't have on of these,
    Or atleast I hadn't seen him.

    Lying in my bed again,
    The same dream came,
    To see and met my Daddy,
    To be held in his arms for the first time,
    I would give him a face,
    Each word rehearsed just incase.

    I kept my dream a secret,
    No-one cares,
    No-one would listen,
    Would my dream come true?
    A part of me was missing.

    I brought myself up,
    Through the blood and tears,
    I would crack a smile,
    Because nobody cares.

    The day finally came,
    After a few more bruises added to the gallary of scars on my arm,
    I clutched the phone harder and ran,
    As I pressed the numbers,
    I rehearsed one more time,
    Held the phone closer to my ear,
    And softly spoke.

    I told him my life,
    And the part he played,
    And how I was his daughter.

    When he spoke,
    My heart felt like it was sinking,
    Sinking like a rock,
    Time had seemed to stop,
    Me heart a broken clock.

    He said he didn't want a daughter,
    Not a little princess either,
    My dream would never be,
    I was just an unwanted weed,
    Growing under his family tree.

    Now that was end,
    My dream a nightmare,
    What would I dream of now?
    I felt lifeless,
    All I wanted to be,
    Was Daddy's Little Princess...

    hope ya like it
    please tell me what u think!!
  2. It's a good poem and is it true?!?
  3. Thanks,
    Well most of it is. I didn't call my dad, I stood infront of him. I had met my dad before but didn't know him, only had bad memories of him. And I did kinda bring myself up because my mum needs care.
  4. I love all of your poems and this is no exception. Your work is amazing.
    Keep on going! 
  5. And that most (or all, not really sure) of your poems are reality based... Wow, it takes strength to write about it. Amazing. Simply amazing 
  6. Thank-you guys :D I was kinda scared about putting this up, but thanks :D