Want Heavy Hitters

Discussion in 'Wars' started by B_aGoatSalesman, Aug 13, 2012.


    ΜοφεΓΝ ΨαΓΓιοΓς
    We are a human rp clan. We rp Percy-Jackson stuff, but if you have ideas PC Luna!
    Talk to Owner/CoOwners for you cabin placement.

    CαβιΝς(5 per cabin)
    Zeus: Lea,Taylor,Jet,Jason, Cheyenne
    Poseidon:Jenna,Sarah,Kat, Aaron,Jayson
    Hades:Zach,KichiMai,Silver, Jack,Sam
    Ares:Steven,Kiyo,Marcus,Talus, Dantê
    Hephaestus:Elijah,Lucas,Gazzy, Justin,Nate
    Aphrodite:Haley,Ella Snow,Fire, Amber
    Athena:Max,Angel,Asenta, Starr, Hunter

    =cabin leader
    =full/no campers

    Daters- Ivorysong's wall

    No farming
    B Respectful
    No cussing
    Listen 2
  2. More ads?? That clan must be really desperate.
  3. Heavy hitters Welcome!
  4. Cutted the rest of my thread of
  5. Didn't you quit for supposedly being tigers main?