ko's outside of war time 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_-OPTIMAL-_-CHAOS-_-, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. Ko's outside of ee

    Having played for years the single most frustrating element of the ga e is having to deal with a gutless player that fights from pin.
    And yes I'm nice. I like being able to kill all their troops 

    Where's the skill in staying below 20% just so you can avoid attacks. That's not fighting.

    Do soldiers have a force field in war when they get down to a certain number?

    I propose its time to get rid of this outdated mechanic.
    And by doing so promote some extra pvp fun.
    Add to profiles ko score boards. How many ko's you have got outside of ee
    How many sko you have done and really fight to the last man.
    Add a ko bonus to outside of ee wars and we have an extra incentive to pvp also.
    But more than anything you really can pin and destroy those annoying victims.
    And a leader board reset monthly would show who is actually fighting in kaw. And who's just ebbing their way up.
    This could also be used to add drops to pvp with prizes for x amount of ko's. and the monthly leader board member getting a special prize. Maybe even add mith to this. Even if only 1 per ko its a start.
    Remember size won't matter. It's purely the amount of ko's you get.

    Farm an alt. really you want to Lose all that volley gold for this. Your loss. Go hit someone that hits back and earn it.

    Happy kawing
  2. Nothing in the rules states you can't self pin. You need to work around it.
  3. Support! I never win wars (lol) but this would be fun, and would help with strips, you'd know when they wake up/get pinned by friendlies or whatever! Maybe put in a reward for KOs as well, idk what, but really put an incentive there, like for every 5/10 KOs get 1 mith or something?
  4. I didn't read properly woops, I mean like dont make it 1 KO per 1 mith it would be too easy to farm an alt (like you said) and then xtal the alt and make tons of mith in a day
  5. Check the defence pots. Pretty sure the offer a protective force field.
  6. I love the idea but you know people would just ko their Alts over and over to get the rewards, that's the biggest problem that holds kaw pvp back is that everything is so exploitable
  7. Would need work in how many ko's per mith yep.
    And as for those sad people that farm alts they only deny all their accounts the equal chance.
    Add the earnings to doing this off battle list for rewards
    But what can I say. I just want to destroy opponents. Reduce them to 0 troops for being stupid enough to start something. Why should devs offer protection for players. We already proved how useless dtw is in ee why not the rest of kaw.
    And pots a force field. Hardly  they are nothing more than your opponents gold burning away.
  8. PVP idea without alts it's possible with something like sign up for 24h PVP. You sign up - so you could be on enemy battle list, only battle list enemies koed count to your score. Battle list are random - it's not easy to get alt on your battle list. sign up will fix problem with only epics ppl who want stay out of PVP ...... Btw once this PVP start will be end of ee-wars, coz it's more fun
  9. How about if it only worked on bl?
    I would support that :)
  10. It couldn't work only on Bl because the player hit has no incentive to respond. He's not hitting on Bl so he gets no rewards.

    If its open to all, then LB accounts get it really easy by hitting an alt as well as anyone with a suitable alt. If the rewards are any good, everyone will get them by exploitation. If they're bad, well what's the point anyways? I won't want to just jump into a war for those rewards, therefore, it doesn't do anything.
  11. Didn't say it was perfect but it can be implemented without rewards easily enough.
    What would you rather do. Make someone dtw knowing they have 20% troops left or nail them hard. 
  12. I didn't read at all bust support?
  13. Support- very good idea. No rewards needed. Maybe an achievement. Just make KO's the new mechanism. 15 minute set ko time like classic ee war. No more hiding in pin.
  14. Complete support :) this would make the game a more interesting and eventful place to play. Would make more sense too i mean why would u be able to kill all spies but not troops? :|
  15. Bump c'mon guys support this.
    Lets get some ko's going and totally pin people rather than just hit ebs 
  16. SUPPORT 100% LETS DO TH8S!!!
  17. Make it so you can only ko a account 3 times per month that way you can't farm it as much
  18. Battle list / newsfeed return hits only and this is a good idea.
    Sko needs to be a punishment, not rewarded. If you go zero troops you should be penalized.
    Same clan hits should be turned off, but like above poster said, it will be exploited somehow but any direction to PvP is good