Apocalypse Getting Smashed

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *ZAFT_TruthBringer_ZAFT (01), Jan 19, 2013.

  1. You guys are not doing crap against ZAFT. You talk all this smack and post all this false info on why this war started, but most of you guys are pinning yourselves off of epic battles. Just look at how much Chongo is hitting EBs. Hit squad has probably lost about 10tril in strips alone. Laoda is going on a killing spree and nobody wants to man up and face him. You lead the public to believe that this is a huge war, but the fact of the matter is; this war is actually a slaughter. ZAFT is getting little to no inc everyday. With the exception of the clan that Apocalypse is deciding to try to gang up on, which they soon realize is not working worth a crap. You are boring us to death, you were not prepared for this war, and your lack of pots (for most) shows it. Some of you are formidable adversaries, but your family as a whole is weak. Yes, this is a noob account. Pointing that out is irrelevant, whether this is a main or a mule account doesn't change the fact that Apocalypse is getting ****** without vaseline.
  2. It doesn't change your opinion. My own is unwavering. I'm sick of these threads and bias spewing from everywhere.
  3. Wow, I thought most clans didn't allow members/guests to post in forums about ongoing osw's

    props to zaft.
  4. Respect to anyone we war, good luck! Members please no trash talk.
  6. Told you they would come..all these trash-talking noob threads
  7. Posted with an alt, if apocalypse is getting smashed why u post with an alt? Coward.
  8. Exactly^ if you are smashing them why post with an alt?
  9. This is not an alt... Come at me and find out.
  10. You're right... They are not doing crap work, they're doing great! Your own words betray you! :O
  11. Original tread maker is an alt. When ur actually in a zaft clan ( preferably genesis, corp or UL ), then I'll come after u
  12. You guys think a Zaft member would construct something so illiterate?
    Probably not.
    Rules in Zaft are no fourm posts during this time, all members stick to that.
    Back to war, just another trash talking noob.
  13. Why are noobs responding here...If u r an alt and make an alt to reply...u dont belong.
  14. Now on both sides? This is just sad...
  15. U think that in a clan of I'd guess 850 ( 12 clans maybe 80 members each ) members, on a game where u don't actually know anyone and the rules are set by people that hav no real control that all 850 members will abide by the rules? There's alway gonna b someone running there mouth. Or creating an alt to do it
  16. You're making false presumptions that zaft members have excellent literacy when in fact English is not a primary language for some.
  17. Alts reply when alts make the first post
  18. If zaft rules are to not post forum why did a zaft admin get caught posting false propaganda thread just a couple days ago? Zaft is scared, just trying to boost morale... So hard to resist urge to post the facts on here, but ill let the runners and ally less zaft players speak for itself instead... ;)
  19. All Zaft members don't speech English.
    However they abide by rules most of the time.

    I am no alt of Zaft or apoc. Just an observer.

    P.S notice any Zaft members talking **** here?
    Didn't think so... Get back to war.