T5 Help

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Victim_8, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. Ok, I am currently LLBC finally and now I am starting on my HL's with T5's. I was planning on using tha same strategy as my LL's and build t5 "The Colony" on all my highlands but some say that the t5 "Tortured Garden" would be best for me. I do plan on doing a little war after I get HLBC and have acquired all my equipment. So, any opinions on what I should do? Stick with Colonies and have even stats or be more defensive and go with Gardens? Thank you for your time reading this. Your opinions will be appreciated. 
  2. You should be good with even stats. Wouldn't get banged up too bad and still you'd be able to pack a punch
  3. Depends entirely on your style. Don't listen to anybody else. Play the game as you want. You want balanced build? That put colonies. It's entirely up to you
  4. Thank y'all .
  5. I like Colony. Just avoid to mix too much atk / def building.