Okay so recently (within a few hours) I have reset and I already make 4 million a hit. Some people have asked me "How did you do it" or "Wow! How did you do that so fast" or even "That takes me at least 2 days to do!" an other comments like that. Today I want to share with you (mostly because I don't wanna repeat myself) how I manage to get these (good for the amount of time) stats. First things first. You gonna start with one guild. And one troop building. Keep the troop building and do quests until you unlock the next set. Then go to the marketplace and buy ONE speaker with your nobility point. Second: Go into World Chat and ask this "i am new Can I please have a volley to 10 billion? Thanks!" You should end up with about 75 mil. Third: sell your troop building, upgrade your guild ONCE and build a beastiary and upgrade it to level 3. Forth: keep repeating the last step while doing this. For every 3 lvl 3 beastiarys have one lvl 2 guild. The beastiarys will give you equal stats and better plunder then forges and two extra attacks (these 2 attacks will be very important later) Fith:When you have around 7 lands, buy 21-30 million allies until you are at max plunder, from 21-30 million is giving a 100k bonus. After 10 of these allies you will have a total of 1 million bonus. Keep doing this until you are ally capped then build 3 more beastiarys, get max plunder, 3 kore beastiarys, max plunder and repeat until you are making around 3.7 million. Continue doing epic battles and convert all lvl 2 guild to lvl 3 Sixth: After all your guilds are upgraded to lvl 3 convert all your beasts to war avariys. YAY YOUR DONE!!!!!! enjoy and keep the pattern.