New EB Button

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Adele, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. Full unload button

    I would like to propose a new button
    Or feature for EBS. A button that allows you to unload all your troops and spy's at once.I know we have a repeat action button but here's why I would like this new action feature.

    Kaw is a addicting app everyone knows this lol.But we can't always take the time to unload because we also have a life out of kaw. And there's times you want to unload your troops fast without having to keep pressing repeat action. (Example when your driving)

    How would this work?

    Well of course this new feature can't be used all the time we need to have a limit of these fast unloads of our troops. Maybe only two full unloads a day. We also need to be charged either nobs or a bit of gold.
    Maybe 5 nobs ?? The price of gold needs to vary because all players can't be charged the same amount.
    Due to the fact that there's lots of ppl with loads of gold and paying 100mil or 200mil would be nothing to LB players and other Big players .
    That's my idea please leave feedback about it.

    Thanks MX1
  2. Re: New EB ****

    Been suggested before
  3. Re: New EB ****

    Lol I don't know why it censored Button?
  4. Signs that someone's lazy:

    This thread
  5. Read the whole thread first .
  6. Be glad you have the repeat button. We used to not have a repeat button where it took us over 5 minutes to unload. Please stop being lazy
  7. Re: New EB ****

    What word is censored? Button?
  8. Re: New EB ****

    On my iPod button comes up censored idk why maybe a glitch .
  9. Here's how ideas in Kaw work:

    If the Devs can make money off it:

    There's a chance it can happen....

    If the Devs don't make money off it:

    It depends on the idea whether it will happen.

    If the Devs lose money off it,

    It will never happen.....
  10. Remember when items took forever? Before the repeat action button?
  11. Lazy. You should have played before the repeat button! 

    Here's a better idea  hit another player. :twisted:
  12. Re: New EB ****

    Why don't you check my kaw join date before calling me lazy.
  13. My Idea would encourage the players to buy Nobilty points.
  14. Re: New EB ****

    Join dates have nothing to do with laziness....
  15. I don't like the idea

    And you shouldn't be playing KaW while driving lol :roll:
  16. Join dates mean nothing

    I opened up KaW in 2010

    I started playing KaW 2012
  17. I agree with undead. Eb's were very long before repeat button. And i would propose a pvp unload button... But eb noobs would cry about getting hit with it
  18. I'm lazy. I love this idea.
  19. Lol Igerpums :)