✯Meme('s) Of The Week✯

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Scrapster, May 27, 2016.

  1. Meme('s) Of The Week

    Introducing this new weekly series; Meme('s) Of The Week.
    Every week I shall endeavor to present my favorite meme('s) at that point in time.
    The meme's will be taken from a pool of entries submitted on each consecutive thread. If your meme is chosen, you will be credited on the thread. GIF's are suitable for entry.
    The meme('s) of the week shall be decided upon by the Sunday of every week and the thread will be posted later that day.
    To enter your meme's you are required to post them on the latest "Meme('s) Of The Week" thread.
    All entries must comply with the ToU.
  2. What happened to the other thread?
  3. Op's own friends derailed it into a slinging match
  4. Ahhh you back for more g?
  5. I guess I'll start this one off :p


  6. When you try to spy on someone and the wandering villager is around
  7. I don't care who you are, that's just plain funny
  8. Devs, always at it with sharks and anime, now a shark meme? This is too good.
  9. But never a shark eb 
  10. Not yet, we just gotta be patient. Devs will give in to their addictions eventually.
  11. You say addictions, I think it's more of a shark fetish
  12. Fetish is a better word for it, thanks!
  13. Shark eb confirmed??
  14. Hunting: The Sharkscape Lol