⚽️Predict the outcome of Spain v England ⚽️

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Sataninho, Jul 14, 2024.

  1. Hear ye, hear ye!

    Lords and Ladies of this most noble forum, I bringeth forth news of grand cheer and merriment. A free giveaway, most generous and wondrous, is upon us. Win a Pet shall be the prize, an esteemed and loyal companion to grace thine household.

    However, heed these words and mark them well, for a challenge dost lie afore thee. To claim this bounty, thou must foretell the precise score of the football match between the valiant realms of Spain and England. Verily, thy predictions must be cast and posted with haste BEFORE the commencement of the match, lest they be for naught.

    Make haste, good folk, and partake in this noble contest. May fortune favor the wise and the bold!
  2. I think Spain may win.

    gonna guess 2-1 Spain**