⚔️ KAW Academy 📚

Discussion in 'Guides' started by LazyCoyote, Jun 2, 2022.

  1. [​IMG]
    - Tutorial
    - Fusion Charms
    - Glitch Troops
    - Lowlands Buildings & Lands
    - Quests
    - Fatesands Crestplate Use
    - Land Requirements For Each Area

    - Loot from 100 Coraxian Chests
    - 5 Dev Chests

    Welcome to KAW Academy! This is a new form of guides coming to Kingdoms at War. Have you ever come across something in the game that you have no idea what is was? The forums are a good place to start, but sometimes it can be hard to find what you need. Let’s be real, sometimes watching a video can be a lot faster and much easier to understand, so I have set out to bring you everything you need to know about Kingdoms at War in a easy to follow video format.

    So often we see new, returning, and even experienced players alike questioning different aspects of the game. How does this work? What does this do? Where to I find that? This game can be confusing at times, and thankfully there are a ton of great guides and awesome people who are willing to lend a helping hand. But sometimes certain players might want more, or the available learning methods aren’t the best for them. There are certain threads on the forums that I frequent quite often, but when you are looking for something very specific it can be different to locate what you need. So with all of that being said I want to give players a more accessible means of learning the game. Along the way I hope to not only help players that’s are in need, but also to help grow and strengthen the KAW community.

    I have launched a YouTube channel where I will produce crash course style video guides that will be focused on a particular topic. These videos will be short and right to the point, so that you are getting the information you need without wasting your time. As I have stated before there are already a lot of great guides and in depth information located in the forums, so with each video I will also provide some links to the forums if you want to dive deeper into the topic (if applicable).

    There is only so much I can do myself, so I need your help! In order to make this project successful I need people to know about it. So if you want to support this project please check out the channel and like and subscribe. Feel free to share the content for others that might need help, and together we can make a difference. If you have any ideas for topics I can cover in the future there are a few places you can let me know. You can leave a comment on any of the posted video guides on YouTube, you can reply to the thread, or you can join our Discord where you can find a suggestion tab to leave any ideas you have.

    Your support can make such a huge impact on this project and what it will be capable of. As we embark on this together we can bring about a greater understanding of the game and be a better help to other players. My hope is that as the videos gain more traffic YouTube will begin to recommend the videos to others and hopefully encourage new players to join as well as bring back old players that have since quit.

    Thank you for being apart of this and I am very excited to see where it ends up!

    Thanks again, and stay lazy. 🤙🏻


    #1 LazyCoyote, Jun 2, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2023
  2. Is this allowed? I’m like. 100% sure you can’t promote or share links like YouTube and discord in public channels. I support the idea, as well as the intentions. I just also believe this breaks ToU 😬
  3. I think LazyCoyote will be given the thumbs up by AtA and support .Because he is doing a good thing for Kaw and promoting the game and helping new players with guides .
  4. Haha yeah I had the same concerns, but I got the all clear from support. They told me that advertising 3rd part stuff is not allowed publicly within the game so world chat, walls, and so forth but the forums are fair game. If posting the links are against the rules for whatever reason or I misunderstood what they told me, I have no problem removing them if ATA has an issue with it.
    -Moon- and Thrawn like this.
  5. I didn’t know about the troops glitch, thanks a lot.
    LazyCoyote likes this.
  6. do mods even still exist here anymore?
  7. if support cleared it, then you should be good to go. I just didn’t want your work to go to waste
  8. I was only hesitant about it because I know players have tried this in the past, and had consequences from it. I just didn’t want a repeat for what I thought was already a good idea
  9. Thanks I appreciate you watching out for me 🤙🏻
  10. - KAW Academy: Lowlands Lands & Buildings -

    (6/12/22) This guide covers all of the lands, buildings, and units you will see in the Lowlands. Things like land & building costs, gold return for selling buildings, stats for building & units, and even high quality images for each building & unit for every building.

    #10 LazyCoyote, Jun 13, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2022
    BangrajanWarrior likes this.
  11. Oh wow... Bless you my friend and all the time, work and effort you put into this. Keep this up and you have my vote for VK 💪🏻
    LazyCoyote likes this.
  12. Thanks mate, I appreciate it 🤙🏻
  13. Subscribed ☑️
    LazyCoyote likes this.
  14. Thinking of doing a Coraxian chest giveaway where I’ll open a large quantity of them and then give away most of the loot. I’ll probably live stream opening them and then post a summary video on the channel. Anyone have suggestions on how many I should do? I was thinking 100 but I’m willing to do more for the sake of the content haha.

    With that being said if anyone has keys or chests let me know and I’ll buy them, I’m going to need quite a bit.

    Thanks everyone! 🤙🏻
    Zig likes this.
  15. I’m about to make a kaw YouTube series better than yours
  16. Lol let’s go, the world needs more KaW content 🤙🏻
    Thrawn likes this.
  17. - KAW Academy: Fatesands Crestplate Use -

    (7/9/22) I meant to get this video out like 2 weeks ago, but oh whale 🐳. There was a lot of confusion in wc about what level is the best level to sell your Fatesands and some of the forums about crestplates a few weeks ago, so I wanted to make this video to clear some things up. In this video you can find information about Fatesands crestplates, buy rates, sell rates, and each level ranked by their plate to gold ratios.

    Lord2Gunz likes this.
  18. Great video! Couple things I would note;
    1. If you buy lv1 with gold, you actually get more gold per crestplate if just trying to farm gold. 930T - 24T for buying lv1 is 906T profit for using 193 plates (199-6 not needed for lv1) or 906/193 = 4.69T per plate.

    2. New accounts just trying to get to Pallumen as fast as possible, I recommend selling the first Fatesand you get to level 7. Level 7 sale gets you enough gold to buy the 2nd through 15th Fatesand lands as well as Pallumen land 1. New accts can they start using pal plates they are getting from Noth or premiums and grow faster.

    3. HtR also drops fatesand plates but wasn’t listed on that slide of ebs you can get FS from.

    thanks for making these videos! Hopefully they get more players engaged in KAW.
    Sihaya likes this.
  19. I appreciate the info mate! I will have to add a comment on the video with this info.