Glacial Squall Level 3 - Glacial Squall Time: 12 hours Blood Rains Time: 8 hours Blood Rains Plunder Bonus: 13% Description: Your men scale a mighty ridge, only to gain an unsettling view of the land. The inert body of Jorathe the Silver juts from the ice, surrounded by the armies of Hoarfrost. Their numbers are many, yet their task is one: awaken the giant from his icy slumber.
Glacial Squall PHASE 1: First: Attack and Assassinate Blight Dogs [207,150] Second: Scout Qalupalik Armies [25,500] Third: Assassinate Qalupalik Chief [113,400] Fourth: Attack and Assassinate Ice Armies to 75% [100%] Phase 1/3 Completion: With the fall of their mighty chief, the Qalupalik scatter. The perimeter seems clear-advance your armies to the frozen lake.
Glacial Squall PHASE 2: First: Attack Rime Eels [93,750] Second: Attack and Assassinate Ice Sprites [207,150] Third: Attack Walrak the Tusked [93,750] Optional: Steal Golden Narwhal [14,962] This bar regenerates full every 10 minutes. Fourth: Attack and Assassinate Ice Armies to 50% [75%] Phase 2/3 Completion: The sea creatures of Hoarfrost are no match for your armies' steel.
Glacial Squall PHASE 3: First: Attack Cursed Stag [93,750] Second: Scout Aurora Borealis [25,500] Third: Attack Giantlings [93,750] Fourth: Use Item: Mind Scream on Rakshasha [20,000] Fifth: Attack and Assassinate Ice Armies to 0% [50%] Mission Completion: Entranced by mind control, the spellbound yeti king lifts your armies atop his back and barrels through the Hoarfrost forces..
Glacial Squall CLAN COMPLETION BONUS UNLOCKED When your clan completes this mission for the first time it unlocks the Jorathe the Silver Clan Achievement to Level 3 which has the following total bonuses: Attack bonus = 0% to everyone while they are in the clan Defense Bonus = 0% to everyone while they are in the clan Spy Attack = 1% to everyone while they are in the clan Spy Defense = 1% to everyone while they are in the clan
Glacial Squall SPECIAL ITEMS DROPPED FROM THIS MISSION Common (quantity received is based on activity):
Glacial Squall SPECIAL ITEMS DROPPED FROM THIS MISSION Rare Equipment Drop: Rare Item (drop is completely random):
Glacial Squall Aqua and Inferno drop from this epic battle randomly. These components are used to enchant equipment at the Mage.
The Sleeping Giant Level 4 - The Sleeping Giant Time: 16 hours Blood Rains Time: 9 hours Blood Rains Plunder Bonus: 13% Description: Jorathe's awakening is nigh, his body nearly free from the ice. Cut through the Hoarfrost legions, and prevent Jorathe from regaining his full power.
The Sleeping Giant PHASE 1: First: Attack Qalupalik Riders [93,750] and Assassinate Yahkiti Herds [125,000] Second: Attack Rakshasha [99,000] Third: Use item: Rain of Fire on Ice Wizard [35,000] Fourth: Attack and Assassinate Jorathe the Silver to 75% [100%] Phase 1/3 Completion: As the eyes of Jorathe the Silver slowly open, the very elements seem to respond to his growing might...
The Sleeping Giant PHASE 2: First: Attack Avalanche [99,999] Second: Scout Polar Blizzard [69,999] Third: Attack and Assassinate Frost Snakes [125,000] Fourth: Attack and Assassinate Boreal Wyrm [25,000] The equipment Sun Flare Bracers must be equipped to hit this bar. Fifth: Attack and Assassinate Jorathe the Silver to 25% [75%] Phase 2/3 Completion: The elements continue to whirl about the battlefield, their power increasing with every passing moment.
The Sleeping Giant PHASE 3: First: Scout Ice Shield [69,000] Second: Attack Glacial Armor [89,999] Third: Scout Subzero Blast [33,333] This bar regenerates full every 50 minutes. Fourth: Attack and Assassinate White-Out Spell [450,000] Fifth: Attack and Assassinate Jorathe the Silver to 0% [25%] Mission Completion: Cracks spread over his battered body, and in a sudden, startling silence, the great glacial giant shatters into a million pieces. Your armies have succeeded once more.
The Sleeping Giant CLAN COMPLETION BONUS UNLOCKED When your clan completes this mission for the first time it unlocks the Jorathe the Silver Clan Achievement to Level 4 which has the following total bonuses: Attack bonus = 2% to everyone while they are in the clan Defense Bonus = 2% to everyone while they are in the clan Spy Attack = 2% to everyone while they are in the clan Spy Defense = 2% to everyone while they are in the clan
The Sleeping Giant SPECIAL ITEMS DROPPED FROM THIS MISSION Rare Item (drop is completely random): Common (quantity received is based on activity):
The Sleeping Giant SPECIAL ITEMS DROPPED FROM THIS MISSION Rare Equipment Drop: Rare Enchantment Reagent Drop:
The Sleeping Giant Aqua and Inferno drop from this epic battle randomly. These components are used to enchant equipment at the Mage.