The Viper's Den Level 2 - The Viper's Den Time: 7 hours Blood Rains Time: 5 hours Blood Rains Plunder Bonus: 9% Description: Before your men can advance, the doors to Arkosa's throne room swing open - the princess has been expecting you.
The Viper's Den PHASE 1: First: Scout Sun Flare [171,000], Steal Golden Hand [99,850], and Attack Sand Storm [156,250] The bar Sand Storm regenerates 1,563 points every 2 minutes. Second: Attack and Assassinate Princess Arkosa to 75% [100%]
The Viper's Den PHASE 2: First: Attack Camouflage Spell [157,250] Second: Attack Golden Web [156,000] and Steal Arachnid Jewel [99,700] Third: Assassinate Dune Spider [189,500] Fourth: Attack and Assassinate Princess Arkosa to 0% [75%]
The Viper's Den Mission Completion: With a final blow, the spiders curl up and perish - their lifeless husks left littering the throne room floor. Meanwhile, Arkosa retreats to a shadowy wing of the throne room.
The Viper's Den CLAN COMPLETION BONUS UNLOCKED When your clan completes this mission for the first time it unlocks the Skorpios the Deathstalker Clan Achievement to Level 2 which has the following total bonuses: Attack bonus = 0% to everyone while they are in clan the clan Defense Bonus = 0% to everyone while they are in clan the clan Spy Attack = 0% to everyone while they are in clan the clan Spy Defense = 0% to everyone while they are in clan the clan
The Viper's Den SPECIAL ITEMS DROPPED FROM THIS MISSION Rare Equipment Drop: Rare Item (drop is completely random):
The Viper's Den Aqua and Inferno drop from this epic battle randomly. These components are used to enchant equipment at the Mage.
The Viper's Den If you already have the equipment(s) dropped from this epic battle, there is a chance it will drop the following:
Desert Sting Level 3 - Desert Sting Time: 10 hours Blood Rains Time: 7 hours Blood Rains Plunder Bonus: 11% Description: Facing defeat, Arkosa retreats to a shadowy wing of the throne room.
Desert Sting PHASE 1: First: Attack and Assassinate Desert Mirage [345,250] The equipment Ring of Illusion must be equipped to hit this bar. Second: Attack Scorpion Armor [156,250] This bar regenerates 3,125 points every 2 minutes. Third: Assassinate Estoc Sword [190,000] Fourth: Attack Scorpion Swarm [157,250] Fifth: Attack and Assassinate Skorpios to 40% [100%]
Desert Sting Phase 1/2 Completion: Arkosa waves the damaged Estoc Sword over the bodies of the dead scorpions. The corpses begin to move...
Desert Sting PHASE 2: First: Scout Pincers [171,000] Second: Attack Stinger [155,000] and Assassinate Armor [189,000] Third: Steal Wall Tapestry [99,000] Fourth: Attack and Assassinate Skorpios to 0% [40%]
Desert Sting Mission Completion: An arrow lodges deep in Skorpios' armor - Arkosa's monster has fallen.
Desert Sting CLAN COMPLETION BONUS UNLOCKED When your clan completes this mission for the first time it unlocks the Skorpios the Deathstalker Clan Achievement to Level 3 which has the following total bonuses: Attack bonus = 0% to everyone while they are in the clan Defense Bonus = 0% to everyone while they are in the clan Spy Attack = 0% to everyone while they are in the clan Spy Defense = 1% to everyone while they are in the clan
Desert Sting SPECIAL ITEMS DROPPED FROM THIS MISSION Rare Equipment Item (drop is completely random): Rare Item (drop is completely random):
Desert Sting Aqua and Inferno drop from this epic battle randomly. These components are used to enchant equipment at the Mage.
Desert Sting If you already have the equipment(s) dropped from this epic battle, there is a chance it will drop the following: