♔ Epic Battles Guide ♔ (NEW KING OF THE TITANS ADDED)

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Choccy, May 21, 2015.

  1. King of the Titans

    [​IMG] This epic battle is only available for 24 Hours beginning on Tuesday weekly!

    King of the Titans
    Level 1 - Rexcalibur the Gigantodon
    Time: 6 hours
    Blood Rains Time: N/A
    Blood Rains Plunder Bonus: N/A

    Description: Requires 35 Gather Allies. Warriors Rexcalibur has shattered the icy stasis that contained him and the city is in danger! We need to gather the strongest troops available to locate, subdue and freeze the titan again before he annihilates the city!
    #1181 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jan 3, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2025
  2. Rexcalibur the Gigantodon
    RECRUIT PHASE (EB Opening): An earth-shaking roar sends shockwaves across the kingdom...Rexcalibur has regenerated and is destroying everything in his path!

    First: Use Item: 35 Gather Allies* [​IMG] on Gather Your Allies [3500]

    When the bar is done, one action is needed (Attack or Assassinate) to reach phase 1.

    RECRUIT PHASE Completion: Rexcalibur rampages towards the kingdom causing catastrophic destruction with each step...you must form a plan to stop this monster.

    * Players can earn 1 Gather Allies item each day, with a maximum of 10 items that can be held at once, completing the Daily Duties Side Quest.
    #1182 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jan 3, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2025
  3. Rexcalibur the Gigantodon
    PHASE 1: The scouts are deployed to distract Rexcalibur and bide time for citizens to evacuate the city.
    First: Scout Draw His Attention [45,000]
    Use your best riders to draw Rexcalibur away from his curret path to the city!
    Second: Attack/Assassinate Create a Weak Point [105,000]
    Have the assassins shoot serrated arrows at Rexcalibur's weaker scales behind the knee.
    Third: Scout Evacuate the City [55,000]
    The scouts need to help stragglers evacuate the city before Rexcalibur incinerates them.
    Fourth: Attack/Assassinate Rexcalibur the Gigantodon [10% of Main Bar]

    When the Main Bar is to 90%, Phase 2 begins.

    Phase 1/4 Completion: The scouts were able to distract Rexcalibur long enough for the evacuation...but after heavy losses, they are forced to retreat.
    #1183 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jan 3, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2025
  4. Rexcalibur the Gigantodon
    PHASE 2: Rexcalibur is in range of the city and may unleash his titanic fire breath at any moment.

    First: USE ITEM Magic Wall [​IMG] on Withstand the Attack [10,000]
    The Mage must conjure a city-wide magic wall to block Rexcalibur's destructive fire breath.
    Second: Attack/Assassinate Hit the Weak Point [120,000]
    While Rexcalibur is focused on the city, use your forces to flank around the titan and hit his weak spot!
    Third: Attack/Assassinate Rexcalibur the Gigantodon [10% of Main Bar]

    When the Main Bar is to 80%, Phase 3 begins.

    Phase 2/4 Completion: The city was saved from titan fire and Rexcalibur has been slowed...but the titan is now rampaging into the city!
    #1184 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jan 3, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2025
  5. Rexcalibur the Gigantodon
    PHASE 3: Rexcalibur is ripping apart the city walls! He must be stopped before the last of our defenses crumble!

    First: Attack/Assassinate Go for the Jugular [90,000]
    Use siege equipment to target Rexcalibur's neck and reveal the weaker flesh within.
    Second: Attack/Assassinate Make the Titan Bleed [150,000]
    Focus all attacks at the fresh wound Rexcalibur's neck!
    Third: Attack Everything We've Got [120,000]
    Unleash the full power of your kingdom's warriors to deal a critical blow to Rexcalibur.
    Fourth: Assassinate Bring It To Its Knees [80,000]
    Unleash the lethal threat of your kingdoms assassins to deal a critical blow Rexcalibur.

    Fifth: Attack/Assassinate Rexcalibur the Gigantodon [20% of Main Bar]

    When the Main Bar is to 60%, Phase 4 begins.

    Phase 3/4 Completion: Now weakened, the gigantodon retreats to begin the process of healing itself.
    #1185 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jan 3, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2025
  6. Rexcalibur the Gigantodon
    PHASE 4: This is the best chance we've got, we need to freeze the titan before he can regenerate back to full power!

    First: USE ITEM Ice Paralysis [​IMG] on Frozen Solid [15,000 and Regens 500 every minute]
    Use all your magical might to freeze Rexcalibur and prevent his regenerative capabilities.
    Second: Attack/Assassinate Collect Samples [89,000]
    Grab as many blood and scale samples as you can. It could be invaluable in researching the titan!
    Third: Attack/Assassinate Rexcalibur the Gigantodon [40% of Main Bar]

    When the Main Bar is to 0%, Epic Battle is defeated.

    Phase 4/4 Completion: Rexcalibur has been frozen solid once again...yet the King of the Titans still regenerates...slowly.
    #1186 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jan 3, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2025