Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lMl_LaY_lMl, Sep 13, 2013.


    Hello Everyone!
    Well what can I say about this eb.
    1. The eb pic looks sick! :)
    2. The payout is amazing! :)
    3. The twist with devs adding the Seal of the Damned. Epic! :)

    Amazing new eb Devs! It really isn't that hard to comprehend. And its not a eb that deserves hate from alot of you fellow KaWers. This eb is fresh and simple. Just take the time to learn it. It's not hard to understand only "one" Seal of the Damned is needed per eb. Why do we have CA posts? Use it! Come up with a schedule on who uses it that eb. Communicate as a clan. Quit complaining on Forums. :) As for the price of the Seal of the Damned i admit it does seem high to me. 59 nob points is crazy, but not enough to make me hate this eb. All this means is you'll have to spend more time doing other ebs searching for the Seal. What's so wrong about that? It has something like a "Treasure Hunting" idea to it. I just wish devs didn't blurt out which ebs had the drops. Would've made it more interesting to me. Anyways I can honestly say " I love this eb". Can't wait for devs to re-release to the world of KaWers. :) Looking forward to it.

    Side Note
    Im sure alot of ppl are going to "bad talk" this eb. That doesn't bother me one bit. :) I encourage you to post your honest opinion of this eb. Not of me, or anyone else for that matter. Keep the discussion about the eb plz. Ty
    Remember only "one" Seal of the Damned is needed per eb! :)
  2. test⇧ on of bb codes ignore thread.
  3. Nice thread lays
  4. I just like the art and the story. And if they didnt tell us which EB the seal was in, clans would have to do all of them to find it. So let's see...

    4 pigs
    4 squids
    4 trolls
    4 rocks
    4 ghosts
    4 mutant trees
    5 dragons
    4 scorpians
    3 sasquaches=

    36 EB's searching for it.

    Yeah, negatory. :lol:
  5. 5 pigs actually lol.
  6. And 5 ghosts now lol
  7. The escape doesnt count. And fine, 37 EB's. I knew there were 5 pigs! I knew it! I was counting them in my head! I knew i was missing one. :lol:
  8. Warbeast, The Gilded Lord, Haunting and something else. They DID tell us ya silly puppy. Oh and 59 nobility is fine. 60 would be better to be honest. It is supposed to limit you on the gold mine that is The Escape...
  9. Great thread Lay, but we didn't get the chance to play it coz the devs lock it for something. Hope it's still 3x gold if they do.
  10. Of course it will be junk. Why have 2 hauntings the exact same except one costs $6?
  11. lol i knw everyone i knw that would be alot of ebs to do but still u cant say that wouldnt be crazy too see:)
  12. Devs are Reactivating the new eb :) cant wait. . .hoping for before noon.
  13. The only bad thing i can about Escape is its not permanent!Otherwise i love it and think the devs are brilliant for giving it to us
  14. Currently the Seals drop in Warbeast, The Haunting, Sporavek's Revenge, and The Gilded Lord. I don't know if they changed it
  15. I like it :)
  16. Whhatttt is it just me or doe apheriuns sword in pic look exactly like the new vanished paladins sword?!?!?? Has anyone else noticed???
  17. I think it would be cool to keep this eb around forever, and have the drop rate for the seal the same as aqua, that way you can run other Ebs to try and get them then run it with your clan!
  18. Loving this eb especially the change to it *thumbs up devs*
  19. If anyone else is wondering why the apherium pic here looks different than in the EB, it is because the pic here has been inverted (look at top right corner)