★Ally Trading Post★

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iTom, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. ★Welcome to the Ally Trading Thread★
    ✔Tell People who to buy here.
    ✔Notify people of Ally Sales
    ✔Don't overpay on allies.

    This thread was created so people could sell/buy allies without over paying or using speakers to notify other players. It is for the experienced player who needs allies for cheap with good stats!

    ★Selling format★
    Name: Example
    Price: 10,000,000
    Attack: 4,000,000
    Defense: 2,000,000
    Spy Attack: 1,000000
  2. ?????? I dont think this will turn out well. People could just post on WC
  3. I see a flaw perfect place for farmer to pick a good target
  4. xoJUSTICEox
    Price: 57,000,000,000
    Attack: 550k
    Defense: 370k
    Spy attack: 36k
    Spy defense: 36k
  5. accident double post btw my phone is screwed up
  6. and to be real we could bump the many threads already like this one so /fail
  7. cute. lol was that what your going for?
  8. I just thought it was a good idea
  9. Yea could end up scrolling a lot of pages and time to find allies that been sold
  10. its a good idea yet an old one
  11. you look at the most recent page abd if players use it right more options become available?
  12. Can people also post how much gold they have out...how much they have in allies, the ally names, and their TZs? That'd be a big help for my ally trading agenda 
  13. Lmfao Cynder! That would be awesome.
  14. I mean u could just keep posting questions
  15. And overpaying for allies
  16. The allies I have have all been..ahem..traded... Cept my alt which someone should buy and he totally won't reset. 
  17. Eekman68

    40 bil
    1.2m cs

    Great buy! :)
  18. Even if i hired cynder? :shock: