I have spoken to a lot of different peeps about this and many seem to agree with me so I thought I would post. If you feel the same please comment / Bump this. Hopefully we can persuade the devs to re-think this. As I understand it, EB cool down times are the 15 minute period you wait when starting an EB before it launches. It's meant to give you a chance to kind of "take a break" between EBs. It also gives you some time to replenish a bit of your troops so everyone has troops to hit the EB once it launches. What I would like to propose however is to either completely eliminate cool downs or shorten the time span to something like 5 minutes or less. The reason being is that if your clan is finishing EBs at a pretty regular 2-4 hour pace the cool down time keeps you from running more EBs. For instance, EB every 2 hours nets a time loss of 3 hours so you are losing 1 1/2 potential EBs per day. If your clan finishes EBs faster then you are losing even more time in cool down. I am sure the devs know exactly how many xtals are used per EB on average so eliminating cool downs would actually be an increase in profit dollars for them. Yet at the same time allow us, the players, a greater chance at more gold to grow. For the faster bigger haunt clans, how frustrating is it when you are jumping on every 45 min. to an hour to be stuck in cool down? Any way, I don't want to run on. Experienced players I think would all agree that shortening or eliminating cool downs would be mutually beneficial for everyone. Please bump like and share if you all feel the same. And send feedback to devs if you like this idea. Thanks for your time.
No support. If your ocd kicks in between epics hop on over to my profile and tap the attack button a few times. Ill keep ya busy between ebs.
To be honest, I'd say they're fine as they are. It's nice to have that regen time between. Not a big deal really. Yes, there's some eb time loss, but it's actually a bonus for me not being able to max xstal daily to have that breathing space for an additional 3 regens potentially. Not a major issue at all. Your argument for those hopping on infrequently to unload... Hop on 15 minutes later when it's started. A non issue.
Support, especially during these summer promos when we blow through an EB in 3 minutes and I spend 2 hours trying to unload without success.
Giving owner and admins the power to put a cool down time on end before starting would be could so that way weaker player have a chance to regenerate before eh starts
Planemaster idea sounds good too! Support this an i think cool down should be as low as 1 min!!! When i am at work i dont have time to check phone every n miuntes just cuz when i tried to hit.... Starts in 12 mins... FULL SUPPORT!!
Support. For a lot of guys if they hop on only for a short period of time and its in the "break time" it really sucks. Chances are, the reason they are hitting the eb is to earn gold and grow. If they just start whacking at other people chances are they will get hit back, and potentially have more gold taken away from them than they took from their attacks. Which means no growing which is the whole point of this game so you can war later on. Nobody can grow if they are just trading shots at someone. Sorry for any mistakes, was on iPhone.
Eb regen times are fine the cool down does no harm and tbh is your smashing the Ebs out that fast maybe try a bigger eb ..