I had a new eb idea where the epic battle creature would be weaker than the "The Gilded Lord" epic battle, but it has an ability unique to all the other ones. It has the ability to attack you back. The more you participate in the epic battle, the more likely it will hit you back. The higher the level the more life it has and the more damage it can do to you. And if you fight more then it will hit your troops more than your spies but if u assassinate/spy/steal it will hit your spies more than your troops. The hard part is that you can't tell when it will hit you and even if you are under 20% as long as you have more than 1 troop it can hit you. But if you complete the battle within the allowed time, because this new ability would make it challenging, you have a chance to earn more gold than what you actually hit in it. For example, current EBs you can earn half of what you hit in the EB, but in this one you can earn over 1.2x what you hit and maybe if you performed well up to 2x what you earned. So this is the idea, if you have any idea add-ons or you like and support the idea feel free to comment on this! Keep this post in the active topic area for the mods to see!! Stay Frozen! -FrozenNinja
Although this has been suggested before in less detail I still haven't made up my mind about whether or not I like it... Every time I settle on one side someone comes up with better reasons for the other side XD. Regards, Jimjord12
Sounds good I guess. Could be a good epic for people who don't like epics and wanna do wars but aren't quite big enough or something. Or if you wanna combine the two
Or you know what you could do...? You could just hit or steal a person... They pay well, and hit back! It doesn't have to be a shitty computer monster... Dammit... This game now...
Good point Callum. EB may be a good way to grow but people give ya more plunder if u farm them Not that I'm a farmer. I, unfortunately, am an EB Noob .
I hear what everyone is saying but for clarification this is an idea where other people won't farm u back for farming them so you may lose troops but you don't lose any gold
If it doesn't even take gold, then the difference between this and a normal eb is it is different enough to be entertaining the first time
I think it will be something that makes a player need to buy regen crystals. It sounds fun but also able to manipulate players.
I have my own epic battle. It pays great, I don't get hit back, and there isn't even a time limit! It's an inactive hansel.