©®™EnemyPersonel, Your Apocalypse Draws Near™®©

Discussion in 'Wars' started by MRU-iKinkyTwinkie-MP, Sep 9, 2014.

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  1. Good evening to my dear KaWmunitty. This thread is from myself to EnemyPersonel, but as I know fail trolls try quite hard, I'm sure some just won't be able to resist posting here so, go for it if you want, try and impress me. Or don't, honestly, it won't affect me either way.

    Now back to my prey.

    Hi EnemyPersonel. I thought I'd use the forums, as your sad attempt to block me from your mind by blocking me from your wall only forced me to make your shaming public. Smooth move, here goes your pride~

    A while ago, your name came up as the target in my CA, so I decided to slap you, then promptly followed through. You slapped me back and gained my full attention and some respect, till you made mistake number one and hid behind the global 0 Smith spell for 24 hours the second you realized youd lose. That made me lose all respect I had for you, and decide I won't stop now til you reset.

    You made mistake number two when I realized you just loooove to use mithril (More addicted than most are to KaWcaine), and buy fancy equipment and fancy spells. My sub goal to making you reset, is making you decide on a difficult choice. Will you reset or will you starve? I'll enjoy making you burn through paycheck after sad paycheck.

    Your third and last mistake was insulting my clan, my family. You went out of line and called us noobs, so allow me to enlighten you on a well kept secret im now allowing out. I'm iJaxons hidden son, and I learned spy mechanics from the best. I've been with KaW from the literal start, and its a source of pride to my skewed perspective.

    Three strikes and youre out, or so they say. Consider this a promise from me to you, I'm going to make your life in KaW a living hell.

    I'll enjoy making you reset or starve, while making you burn cash all along the way. Im ruthless when awakened, and you just woke this previously hibernating bear. Thanks for making KaW interesting again.

    To the fail trolls I'm sure will try: Posting tl:dr here means to call yourself mentally handicapped. Posting first is ok, I won't waste time posting Reserved as that's equally moronic. Calling my clan or I a noob in a sad attempt to gain my attention is an unattainable goal, as my full attention is on this fool with the worst of luck.

    That all being stated, for now ive said my peace. I'll be back to state he's reset when he does, not for any of you, but because it'll bring a smile to my face and oh, is that ever worth it <3

  2. Eh. Not sure about this thread. But whatever. You go girl.
  3. It's the afternoon for me :l
  4. My sincerest apologies ^
  5. Jesus, he has a ton of spells.
  6. Well I wasn't kidding o.o^
  7. Damn...that's a lot of mith, I only have 14 :l
  8. Been chewing on this noob all week. Have Fun jester. I'll leave the punching bag alone for a few days.
  9. He must either be a total ee warrior or loaded with nobs.
  10. Thank you kindly V, the more of my clan that backs off, the more of his digital ass I'll get to make digitally mine <333
  11. I was just warming him up for ya lol
  12. Always love a bit of pvp action.
    At the end of the day it's all for the name of fun.
  13. The bears not training their cubs properly?

    Nice chest boost though  grrrrrr
  14. Omg he's a sh. Obviously he has
    Mith to blow. There's no other reason to have that shitty of a build.

    That mith isn't that much tbh.

    The weapon in the alchemist is 1k

    The total
    Mith he casted was about 44
  15. Seems he changed his equips to basic EB ones in a sad attempt to hide the fact that he's a Smith Slave.

    Another fun side note. Seems no clan will keep him for more than an hour or so, too much heat?

    -Insert Evil Laugh Here-
  16. Lol is this a joke?
  17. It is to me, I'm laughing so hard my sides hurt, not so much to EnemyPersonel Id say :3
  18. 3 things id like to say about your post op

    1. Blocking is a pvp tactic not a act of cowardliness, it's brilliant to keep people off your wall and only get news from hits and you get a permeant link.

    2. If you have the spells then why not use them, considering his stats he needs them to help hit your build. You properly should know that ee warriors have stash big enough to last a month to 3 months so it's nothing to them. More like the pots you're using to defend and attack.

    3. Don't get me wrong it's a nice call out and I don't know the whole story but it generally does seem like your taking this a little to personal.
  19. @Wolfie

    Indeed, and I respect all those points, now let me tell you how I see it.

    1) Tactic though it may be, I still get to play my mind games, if nothin else, better than before. I never posted on his wall. He has no link, and he won't post on mine, he knows the repercussions. I havnt and won't block him. Let him dare to post. I'll laugh.

    2) Again, very true. But you see, I can still nob farm when not hitting ebs for pot change. I can hit ebs for pot change when not nob farming. I lose none in this. Matter of fact, I can go on indefinitely. Its a game of patience, and one I plan to win while farming up my "Incoming Scouts Won" stat.

    3) Oh no sir, here i disagree. I think im taking this just personally enough, as he insulted my home, now he must pay the price in blood, cold sweat, an inability to sleep, and tears... Yummy yummy orphan tears <3
  20. I agree with ty

    This is a joke and its name is jester
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