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Re: Pots Then sell your atk pots... can't see any reason you would wanna fail atk someone.. on eb you can chose to use pots or not but when...
Pots Wish the devs would make atk pots automatic like def pots, if u have pots when u atk they automatically get used.... (exception of eb)
So dumb, waste of brain cells
Need more war, I'd like to finish 1 war wait 1 hr and cast for another
Every one has someone or some thing else to blame but their on inability to war,
Lol then why you always trying to join our roster,
Indi wars should be ran along side proposal #1 just like they are now, but you can't call indi wars a season war...
Get all your friends wth like builds together and start a clan and wc ur own roster then
Makes me laugh ... this is a war game all builds are war builds . All members deserve to have a war
Some people chose to NJ uild adt,sdt, or just raw stats, I chose to grow bfa, it's not my fault devs need to fix the plunder issue, not punish us...
Yes you choose a bunch of exploit builds to destroy noobs. That's what killed wars in earlier seasons. Derp.... That's doesn't make any since,...
In indi I'm placed wth warriors my same size bracket, round wars I place my self in clan and war same size bracket. Only difference is I chose my...
Only difference between indi and round is u get to pick ur clan, people only indi cuz they don't have a clan to war with,
My current build has nothing to do wth the fact I want to war wth my friend people I trust and have fun with. Simple as that
Indi are not fair, they only factor the build size not the actual warrior, indi's can be a fair match but not always a fair fight
If I have to chose between the 2 proposals I chose the 1st proposal and just do 1 hr wars and increase the war company, need more then just 30 to...
Get rid of primals, it's pointless, do a rotation of round and indi, as for s5 I think devs should mix round and indi, say roster size of 20, 10...
Vote no for 2 hr wars, we want more 1 hr wats plz
Always cast full mith, till lately cuz devs need to reset my color spells