Separate names with a comma.
Geez leave the bloody osw as they are all I can see Is new eb noobs coming into the game trying to change it... Well NO am osw is a war which the...
The sun alliance was about a yr ago u wernt in it so u have no idea what happened also osw is out of system war for a reason... If this idea...
No support this game has enough eb noobs as it is if this idea happens then I can't see much osw happening just more ebs running
Hmm 3-2 If u don't like it don't do ee u miss out on mith or get some more members devs aren't bloody gods they can't get everything right...
I've never heard of that -z- family until I started farming one of there members... He had to leave there clan coz they didn't want any trouble lol
-z- family... U serious
Op who ever u are ur worst than a Justin beiber/ one direction fan... Stfu on all these threads
Geez stop being all butthurt and just try again the real problem these days is all the eb noobs and looking at this thread looks like its full of...
I've never heard of those clans
Oh well that sucks lol
This thread is to complicated for my genius mind... I prefer to stick with the formula of 2 2
Kick his ass metal if fiddler makes u wait any longer u should make him do a, b and c to get a cf
Re: Metals 1 v 1 Centre. ... Sorry hazard lol sheesh metal u could've warned me
Re: Metals 1 v 1 Centre. Hazard funny how your on this "noob thread" as you say... And I wouldn't call metal a noob coz he is no noob he could...
Bro come up with a better excuse than that lol he had his clan name in his banner and on his wall instead of reporting back that U guys aren't...
Lol gve why have u let an apocalypse member into ur clan when ur in an osw against kotfe?Lol looks like u guys are going great I wonder how many...
Ask wc no need for a thread
Who said I'm intelligent? Aren't I aloud to speak my mind? And btw... Ooo look he's a reg lol wtf good to see you can read what clan I'm in