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If your build is 1 attack and all SOS u will earn more then if u had 1 attack and all guild.
If you're going to be a hansel long term, I would suggest buying guilds and skipping SOS. But if you're going to war, save up enough money to go...
Devs wouldn't put a repeat action into the wars, simply because the enemy could drop your bars about 75% before you would even get a notification.
@naked, how can it possibly be the devs fault that there aren't more clans warring? They can't message everyone saying please war so there are...
Bro get off forums nobody cares what u have to say
Did u scout or use assass?
Please tell me how warlor has barcodes names. I see nobody with the same name in warlor. Just because we have tags does not mean we are BC. And...
Wait till he rolls with the big boys. With that mouth he'll be a perm farm in no time.
Your a noob OP. who resets just to start over? Sounds kinda like ur butthurt but can't admit it.
Signed, if u don't want to farm while not participating in ee wars u can use troop and spy quests.
How is were screwed the best? They've been beaten so obviously not the best. If I'm not mistaken empire rising is probably one of the best. They...
Nope don't want it.
Yah xerus I am. They're both wars correct?
Btw iprophet last time I remember, when warlor vs 23 and 1 went down we completely demolished you... So if we suck what does that make u?
Hey val_wwww do u see what iprophet posts and he isn't even in the war
We never ran our mouth. The clan owner had said they he doesn't respect those who don't fight it out. Why should u care if u have our respect or...
I completely agree on the time male stone. Many of them aren't hitting us just hitting eb. Some are already low pots its just sad
Oh and btw, instead if acting like a tough keyboard warrior, dog tried to surrender and get us to stop like 3 minutes into the OSW....
Chestplate of the Damned: This plate is forged from all of the corrupted souls the Red Paladins have banished.